Today, I went to see my nephew play lacrosse. They won by a technicality, but the game itself was their most difficult game this year. The final score was 9 - 1, and my nephew was pretty down that they had that many points scored on him. My heart felt for him, but it was ok. He really loved his new shirt that his Nino sent him. An official practice t-shirt for Navy Lacrosse. He proudly wore it.
Afterwards, we headed to Ikea to get some stuff to organize the mess that has overcome our dining room. I got enough boxes to store all of my fabrics (thanks Sivje for the organization inspiration and Sarah for posting amazing eye candy at La Maison Boheme!). My small craft space is actually starting to see some daylight and I'm so very excited to see the shelfs in awesome use. Also, I'm glad I'm utilizing my table in the dining room. It actually looks pretty darn good.
Later, we headed to Market Street to check out their wedding expo. I tried some cake, chocolate covered strawberries, some nasty champagne, and a few amazing dips. Ooooh, I love you smoked gouda pimento dip. I shall visit you again soon!
When I got home, I was ready to take a nap, but I fought the sleepies to stay awake so I could get my football fix. We have a buddy who plays for a minor league team and he invited us out to play. Well, 10 minutes before I left and Mari decided to get full on Mari. She was bouncing off of the walls! She was into everything, refusing to nap. Moments later, our HOA vice president came over and we had some catching up to do before the meeting in a couple of weeks. Well, an hour had already passed and the time I had allotted to go to the game had long since been passed. Same goes with the nap I had planned on taking.
So I picked up the pieces and got to work. Luckily, my prima helped me with the organization! I'm feeling so much happier with it, seriously. Tomorrow, my sister will run her first triathlon for the season. I hope to run 3 - 4 miles. The bigger goal being to get new running shoes and load up the content on my new project: 13b.foto.
Here's the official announcement that I'm a professional photographer. I guess you can say I've been pro for a few years, but I'm finally legit, or feeling more legit. Business cards are on their way. Website is slowly getting populated ( Twitter and Facebook presence is up. Photo promotions are in the works, and I am not only open for business but have clients. It is a full part-time job that will hopefully allow Don and I to spend more time together pursuing a passion, simultaneously bringing in enough income that will help fund
Now that the secret is out, I'd like to take some time to thank all of you who have supported me along they way. A very special thanks to past clients, especially you early folks who acted as my guinea pigs. Seriously, you guys are amazing!!! And for the rest of you, if you need a photographer, let me know.
Oh, and one final thing, the photo biz will have a separate blog of it's own, so feel free to add a bookmark there if you like to see pictures.
1 comment:
Doing awesome! I really like the new photography website.
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