1. Go-go Juice
I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about Toddlers & Tiaras. I don't watch that show. I can't even watch the commercials for it on TV. I draw the line at Dance Moms. Anyway, on the radio, they mentioned pageant crack (pixie sticks), given to these girls to give them an edge to perform. WTF?!?! Then, there's this very, very special case, Honey Boo Boo Child. Pageant crack isn't enough for this kiddo. Oh no! She needs more. She gets this so-called go-go juice, which is a mixture of Red Bull and Mountain Dew. Given to a child. Who is 6. By her mother. This, ladies and gentleman, is our future. God help us all. I have no idea how she's allowed to get away with that. But, they are getting the ratings, obviously, and the mom is being rewarded with the behavior and it is ok. I can't imagine my child on that go-go juice. Goodness, can you imagine the crash that ensues from coming down on that sugar high? eeesh! I don't even want to think about the health implications for that poor child. It just makes me wonder. I guess the upside is that she is moving around like a crazy person and getting some kind of work-out, although, her poor tiny heart...shaking my head.
2. Tracy Anderson
Speaking of workouts...I'm a nut for infomercials. This is part of the reason I have a queue of movies to watch when my insomnia kicks in, which is about 3 weeks out of the month. I was a sucker for Tae-Bo, Sham-Wow, the Magic Chop, and so on and so on. I didn't always buy the things on TV, but I did like watching the stuff. Well, my friend told me about Tracy Anderson. I'd heard of her and I'd heard of her Method. I wasn't ready to buy into the craze, until I saw her treadmill workout. Ok, I'd made up a workout similar to this, but not to the extreme. I don't like the treadmill because, well, it is boring to just run. But this, the dancing on the treadmill, is super fun! She gets down to business and makes it work. I want her strong body and I will be incorporating some of these workouts into my overall routine. Maybe I'll buy the Method, maybe not, but I definitely hope to find more of her treadmill routines. Do you all know of any other treadmill instructors?
3. Bridesmaid Turned Photographer
In my spare time (ha), I moonlight as a professional photographer. It's an amazing way for my husband and I to really connect and enjoy a hobby that has turned into a small business. I must say right now that we don't make ANY money on this gig. Whatever money we collect goes back into our equipment and taxes. We are lucky if we break even on things. This isn't a complaint, this is the reality. With that said, though, we have had the fortunate privilege to photograph some amazing weddings and events, which we would not have been able to attend otherwise. It's pretty awesome, indeed. Now that you know that, here's a bit more backstory...When I got the phone call from one of my dear friends telling me he was going to ask his girlfriend to marry him, I was ecstatic! He and I have known one another since high school and became really great friends towards the end of my college years. For the past 12 years, we've talked at least a couple of times a week on the phone, just catching up with life and what not. You see, when I graduated, that was the last time that he and I lived in the same city. He was promoted a few times within his company and hopped around the country before landing in Rochester, NY. After the proposal, he called me up and very seriously, asked me to be in his wedding. I was truly honored. He then took it a step further and inquired if I was interested in photographing his wedding. Initially, I was hesitant. Talk about the pressure, right? But then, I had a long talk with myself. Thanks to Jasmine, I realized I had it within me to do this. Don will be there photographing the wedding, acting as the second shooter while I'm up on the altar. During the reception and portraits, we'll both be shooting. I've made a short list for Don of what to look for when I'm up there. But he doesn't need help from me. He's pretty amazing at capturing the details and true emotions, especially during the ceremony. He's a ninja like that! But getting back to my decision, ultimately, my buddy said something to me that stuck, "Bianca, you're the only one who has taken a photos of me that I actually like. You know me best. I don't ever force the smile, you just seem to capture it." You know, he's right. He's so special to me and I can't imagine not capturing the truest version of him. Seeing his face lit up and happy on his special day, well, that will be magical. For me to be able to capture it the best way that I know because, well, it's him, that's a wonderful gift! I feel so lucky to have this opportunity. I'm doing my best to get to know the bride so I can truly capture her essence. She's quite a beauty, too, so that will totally make our job easier. I've never been to Rochester, and while up there, we hope to hop on over to Niagara Falls. I feel like I'm on some go-go juice when I think about it all...totally surreal. When the day comes, I will be sure to document it and share it with you all, for those of you interested. I know the sheer logistics of it all could seem daunting, but I'm not worried about it.
(and this is the reason for the Tracy Anderson workout. Not just to get healthy, but ohmahgah I need to fit into a bridesmaid dress.)
4. How much is a Homemaker Worth?
Mint.com does a fabulous job of breaking it down. Cheers to all the homemakers out there! You guys rock. Cheers to those who do it while holding a job along the way, too! I think we all deserve a drink!y'all have a great week!