5 Year Celebration
Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tonight we have our baptism class. Hopefully she'll be a trooper and hang out during the class. We didn't get a sitter because they said it was ok to bring an infant. I'm going to pack a couple of bottles just in case. We're baptizing her in Memorial day weekend. Fun stuff.
Have a nice day!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Like I said, I had some running around to do. I went to Ulta to return my Chi blowdryer. If I hol it at a funky angle, it makes this sound like a table saw grinding wood. Not what you would expect from a $150 blow dryer. They agreed to exchange it as soon as I provided a receipt. So off to home to figure out where I put it. Then to Discount Tire to get a new tire. Well, turns out they couldn't patch it up, so I did indeed have to buy a new tire. I purchased the extended warranty on the rest of the tires and paid the $15 to replace the one that was punctured. There was this shiny piece of metal rebar-like material about 2 inches long shoved smack dab in the middle of the treads. Turns out my other tire had a fairly large screw in the middle of it as well. They were able to patch that one up too, and I felt confident buying the warranty, because I'm quite certain that I may have to replace another tire prior to us getting our next car.
After that, we headed up to Run On McKinney to sign up for a 5K that we'll be running next weekend. I don't think I'm prepared for this, but luckily it is a Run/Walk. The most I've run since giving birth is 2 miles, so I won't feel bad if I have to stop and walk. Heck, this week when I tried to jog, I couldn't go more than half a mile without having to stop and hack up bits of my lung. I guess I still have a bit of lingering "cold" from last week. Then, I went to my chiropractor. FABULOUS! Refreshed, aligned, and relaxed, we headed to Wal-mart to get a gift card for Ada and some plumbing essentials. Ada mentioned that she wanted to buy a bicycle, so I bought her a bell with a compass on it.
Finally, we headed home to get ready for the dinner. We were late and I forgot the camera! Eeeek! Luckily, us being late was actually early by our friend's standards. We arrived just as they were going to seat us. The food was overly salty, but I didn't mind because we were surrounded by really great friends. I can't wait to get some pictures to post. Oh, and I had my first real taste of alcohol since having Mari. Turns out, I wasn't prepared for a tequila shot. I had less than half of it and gave the rest to Don. I ordered their classic margarita and after the first sip, I knew I didn't want to drink it. Again, Don was a trooper and finished it for me. It was like pure Patron on the rocks with a splash of sweet and sour. A year ago I would have loved it, but this time it just tasted like battery acid. I guess I'll stick to my shot of red wine for a while.
Julie tagged me, so here are 10 random facts about me:
- I really enjoy taking photos and learning about my camera. A few times people have asked me if I do this professionally, but I always reply no. I just really enjoy capturing moments and the emotion conveyed. One of these days I'm going to take a bonafide class to learn more.
- When I was younger, I really, really wanted to be a fashion designer. I used to design my own clothes and my grandmother would sew them for me. In high school, I continued to draw and color, but somewhere along the line I lost that. I'd like to take a dresssmaking and pattern constructing class, but I've yet to find any that aren't part of a large fashion program. JoAnn's doesn't offer the in-depth classes I'm looking for. If you know of any, give a suggestion.
- I'm seriously OCD about the most random things. I spent 4 months researching strollers and baby travel systems. I compiled my findings in a PDF and excel spreadsheet. I'm doing the same for the car we are going to purchase next year. WHY??? Why can't I put this much effort into organizing our home?
- I can stuff over 100 popped kernels of popcorn in my mouth.
- When I had the chicken pox, I took great care in not having any scabs so I wouldn't get a scar. Down to the last two on my body, it hit me that I wouldn't have any reminders of that experience and for some strange reason that struck me in a melancholy way. I slowly scratched them to create a scab. I did them both in the event that one or the other wouldn't scar over. The scar on the back of my left palm and on the outside of my right thumb are the only remnants of when I had the chicken pox. Cut me some slack, I was 7.
- I absolutely love listening to people's stories. I look forward to hanging out with my father because he has the best stories. I think this is why I was such a barfly. You hear some really interesting stories, especially when the alcohol is flowing. People are such interesting creatures and it is so great to hear their experiences. Most people dread sitting to strangers on a plane. Most times, I don't. The only stories I don't like hearing are the negative-woe-is-me-life-sucks stories. I don't have time for such negativity.
- I absolutely love sports, especially college football and baseball. I really hope to share this passion with Mari.
- I'm in love with my DiorShow mascara. You know you have something that always makes you feel pretty and sexy. Next to my power shoes (which are currently a bit too snug on my feet), my mascara will do the trick.
- I used to love to play dress-up a lot when I was a kid. Hyper-active imagination and all, but I haven't done that in ages! Several years ago, I set some time aside and went to the mall. I did one of those make-up makeovers and treated myself to a new outfit, complete with undies, shoes, handbag, and sunglasses. Earlier that day, I'd gotten my hair cut and had a mani/pedi. It was definitely one of the best ways to kill an entire day. I don't know if I'd do that again, but it was fun to look at. I usually do these sorts of things with friends, never solo. So this outing was highly uncharacteristic for me, but I do believe having a date with yourself is important.
- Even though I have no problem meeting strangers, I get serious anxiety when I have to hang out with acquaintances. At the end I will always have a great time getting to know new friends, but I still freak out. Much of this has to do with a party I went to when I was 8. I had a very good friend from my school who was two years older than me. She had a slumber party that actually started out as a co-ed party. At that time, I was uninterested in boys "in that way." They were more mature and thought otherwise. Well, they were playing spin the bottle in the garage (converted to a game room), and whomever the bottle landed on, the couple went to the closet to make-out. I wasn't ready for that sort of thing and I felt very uncomfortable about it. I feigned a stomach ache and went back to the living room to watch movies with her mother. She called for my mom to come get me because I wasn't feeling well. I couldn't admit that I didn't want my first kiss to be with some random boy, let alone when I was only 8. I guess I just knew I wasn't ready to grow up so fast. To this day I get that anxiety feeling because I never know what to expect.
I'm tagging Shannon and El Jefe.
Have a fabulous day!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008
Mexican Coke - it has all of the yummy nastiness from coke, but made with real cane sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup. It's also packaged in glass bottles. Quite frankly, there's this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia when I sip on it. I'm quickly taken back to my childhood filled with hot, hot summers, grandma's cooking wafting from the kitchen, and gentle breezes kissing my body while gliding on my swingset. Ahhh...to be a kid again. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. I'd like to buy the world a coke and keep it company. I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love, grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves. I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. I'd like to buy the world a coke and keep it company. C'mon, you know you remember that song and you loved it!
So anyway, back to the Easter celebration...DELIGHTFUL! Like I said, I didn't go to bed until late, I'm thinking like 3AM and was up at 7 because Mari was ready to eat. I probably could've gone back to bed easily, but when you have a tiny infant cooing and smiling at you, it's really hard to go back to bed. Half asleep, I stayed up and played with her. When she went back to bed, I started to clean the living room area. After that, I wen tto clean her G diaper. I'm so glad we are back home and using them. I don't have anything against more traditional diapers. They get the job done, but because they are so absorbent, I can't always tell when she needs changing. Here's an example: When I took her swimming, I kept her Pamper Swaddler on. Back up in the hotel when I changed her, this diaper was like a large water balloon! It was thick, heavy, and voluminous! OMG...talk about super absorbent. If I ever cut myself and all I had around was a diaper, I'd be using it instead of a towel because they are better than Brawny. I digress...so back to cleaning the G diaper and prepping the next round of them, I quickly realized just how fast she'd been growing. I went to measure her, and sure enough, she's 23 inches long! Hard to believe she's stretched out so much. I can't believe she is nearly 2 feet long. She's so tall. :)
I WAS EXHAUSTED. I went back to the room for a 15 minute power nap. I realy wanted to do my hair before church, but at this point, I didn't care. I valued sleep more. A couple of minutes before the alarm went off, Mari began to stir, so I got up to nurse her. So much for 15 minutes, but again, she paid me with an incredible gummy smile, I couldn't be angry. After nursing, I put her in her Easter dress and quickly went to get dressed myself. Don had already gotten snazzy and I must say we were quite an attractive family. Too bad I didn't grab a photo! After church, we went to eat at Great Wall in Plano. We'd just left the land of buffets, why on earth would we go eat at one? Well, Great Wall is definitely that good. I swear they dip their crab rangoon in honey before they fry it because it has this luxuriously sweet quality to them. YUM!
CASCARONES - First off, cascarones (confetti filled eggs that we crack on each other's heads) in the back yard. Each person was armed with a dozen brightly colored eggs, the kids energetically cracked their eggs on the adults. There was this frenzy of bold confetti colors flying everywhere. It was chilly out, but despite the runny noses, we were all panting and puffing air and laughing hysterically! I went to get my sister and I used some pretty fierce force, but that egg didn't crack. I think I successfully achieved a mini bump on her head! LOL. I finally just broke it in my hand and sprinkled the confetti on her head. Everyone blessed Mari with her confetti and I even got Guapo too. Everyone needed their Easter cascarone good luck.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
I spent the better part of the night before we lept skittishly running around packing, sorting, and general running in circles. I was unsure what to pack. I had a better idea since we'd just gotten back from Kansas, but I knew the weather would be a thousand times better. We knew for sure that we didn't wnat to take the big stroller, but that was about it. We needed the carseat, her special mattress positioner, some blankets, diapers, wipes, and what about me? What would I pack for myself. I was totally excited that I could fit into my shorts again! Wahoo!! Anyway, the plane ride was relatively smooth. Don and I were completely impressed with US Airways. Talk about ridiculously friendly customer service all around. This from the baggage check, gate check crew, and flight attendant staff. I hadn't pumped any milk, so I did a quick pump at the airport. We had to pay some $$ because I couldn't find a private enough outlet. Instead, we seated ourselves in a massage chair, that not only played music, but would charge any electronic device. So I got a short massage during my pump session and Don was able to enjoy a few minutes of relaxation while I prepped the bottle. As for the plane ride, Mari was INCREDIBLE!! She ate on the way up, sucked her paci all the way through, and sucked on a bottle during the landing. She fussed shortly during the trip and we quickly realized she was hungry. I took out my wrap, and fed her right there in the center seat, completely covered. I knew everyone around me knew what I was doing, but it's kinda like when I would change jerseys in the middle of a gym when we had back-to-back games at tournaments and didn't have time to run to the locker room, but couldn't stand to be in a funky wet shirt. Anyway, we were so lucky! Then came the aftermath. Baggage claim was a breeze, but hailing a cab, not so much. First, there was a 2 mile maze of a line, filled with other anxious travelers. The difference was that they had 1 travel bag and maybe 1 personal item. Meanwhile, we had half of Mari's nursery and a small portion of our own closet: 3 rolling suitcases, the umbrella stroller, carseat with base, Don's backpack, the nursing bag, the diaper bag, and my purse. I'd wrapped Mari in my Moby, had the backpack, the nursing bag, my purse, and one suitcase and Don amazingly carried the rest! We finally made it to the front of the line. The cabbie loaded the bags while Don installed the carseat base. Meanwhile, I loaded Mari into the carseat.
We made it to our hotel: The Signature at the MGM. OMG...when the cab driver turned the corner into the entrance, I realized that this place was going to be worth every penny. There was a guard protecting a large swinging privacy gate admitting only those who were priviledged to enjoy this experience. It was a gorgeous Nevada afternoon and I couldn't wait to relax. My wonderful cold that'd I'd picked up in Kansas kicked into high gear. I was so angry with myself for not packing the medicine, but I didn't want to be drugged. I knew my natural defenses would kick in and I could beat whatever I had faster than any meds. We checked in and went up to our room. It was plenty spacious, the bed inviting, the bathroom like a dream (HUGE jacuzzi tub, incredible shower, double vanity with marble floors, granite counters, a small personal TV perfectly tuned to the fireplace channel, and plenty of plush towels!), an incredible view of the mountain range, a small kitchenette, and many breathtaking pieces of art! Shortly after our arrival, my father came to get us. He was rollin' in a brand new 12 passenger van. It was pimp! We headed to the store to pick up essentials. No sense in paying to eat breakfast at a buffet when we could make it in our own room. Then, we headed Downtown. First off, I ADORE downtown Las Vegas. It is old, seedy, and like Don says, reminds you perfectly of the sin you are committing. You are surrounded my decades old smoke, people who are perfectly aged, you know they've lived a life that could rival much of the imaginary people I create in my head. Too bad I felt like crap-ola! Bleh! My fever was climbing, my chest heavy, my air passages shrinkingy fast, and I was wearing my extra large cranky pants. I was so happy to see my Mom cheerful and greeting me. For a few moments I felt better when she hugged me. This poor woman is not feeling like herself and still her touch miraculously heals me after all these years! Don and I headed to a buffet while Dad and Brother went to play. While the buffet was nothing to brag home about, the level of service our waiter gave was terrific. I think he knew I was under the weather and when I asked for hot tea, he gave me honey and lemon instead of cream and sugar. LOVED IT!! I drank two hearty glasses of that and felt oh so much better! Not quite good enough to go gambling, but well enough to relax and hang with my mom.
After a bit, Dad took us back to the room and told us of the plan for the next day. That night a drew a hot bath and filled it with shower gel for bubbles. Well, I'd never sat in a jacuzzi tub that worked, so I fired up the jets. Little did I know that you shouldn't have bubble inducing agents when running the jets! About a foot of bubbles later and I turned them off. I was like a kid again, swimming in bubbles! It was like a foam party all over again. ha ha! I let 'em simmer down a bit and put Mari in the tub with me. I think she liked it, well, she liked the warmth so much that she peed in the tub. I guess the warm water relaxed her something fierce!
The next day came really early, but we were ready to go home. We managed to consolidate our bags and only had 2 rolling suitcases. We had a better system in place and we were prepped to brave the normally ridiculous security lines. We were quite surprised when we got to the airport to find that there wasn't any line. We made it to the gate and was one of the first to arrive. Unfortunately, about half an hour later, we learned that the flight was delayed for an hour and a half. The plane eventually arrived and we departed Vegas. Again, Mari traveled like a champ! I couldn't ask for a more cooperative baby. We fed her the first pumped bottle on take off. Unfortunately, shortly afterward she got sick all over herself. We changed her clothes, but that didn't curb the emptiness in her belly. So out came the wrap again, and I nursed her on the plane. She and I both napped for the remainder of the flight and she completely slept through the landing.
So now we're home and so glad to be here! Tomorrow is Easter and we'll be spending it with family. I can't wait. That's it for now and Happy Easter!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Saturday, March 1, 2008
First off, we went to Arbor Hills and walked the 2.25 loop. It was really refreshing and felt good to walk off the soreness I'd been feeling from the day before. It was like old times to walk and catch up with her. Plus, the weather outside was perfect.
Afterwards, we went to a consignment shop called Kid-to-Kid. We found some really great buys! I bought a couple of jean outfits and a really cute lime green jumper with brightly colored striped onesie under it. It is a 6 month outfit, and I can't wait to see her in it! Lindsey found some really cute onesies for little Hayden.
Then, we popped into Whole Foods so I could buy another starter pack of G Diapers for Mari. Yep, she's big enough to use them and so far no complaints. There's a bit of leakage on the sides, but it only gets on the liner part, not the actual outer part. They fit her pretty good. Our plumbing in the house is not up to par, so we aren't flushing the diapers. We're just tossing them in the trash. They are already breaking down when we toss them, so both Don and I feel like we're doing something good for the environment by using these. We still use the other diapers we were given as gifts. We primarily use these at night when we don't want to immediately wash the liners of the G diapers. She seems to like them and like I said, they really fit snugly! I'm going to write them to see if they have any tips for me to better load the liner.

We then headed to Nails! Nails! to get the ultimate treat: the Baby's Butt Pedicure. I hadn't gone since before the baby arrived and my feet NEEDED it. Oh man, I was so happy. I even had a simple manicure to clean up the cuticles. The massaged and massaged and massaged all of the knots out. My feet felt like silk and my tired hands were refreshed! Ahhh...much, much better. Time to go home and pump because Mari hadn't nursed since the morning.

That night, I went to an in-home party for greeting cards. The company is called CardScentz. These are embroidered cloth greeting cards, that have been scented. The incentive with these cards are to create a memory with your note instead of just tossing the greeting after you've read it. I bought a few of them to send to the grandparents. This was their inaugural party, so it felt good to be a part of their journey.
When we got home, cousin Simon created a delectable feast as our final dinner with Danika and her family. The food was so good and it was so nice to sit around the table and reminisce with good friends and a fabulous meal! It was an amazing day!