It works!
Monday, June 30, 2008
It's actually several exercises in one book. Starting from the basic exercise, going up to the more advanced moves. I've not quite perfected the advances moves, but I'm fairly confident in the basic gestures.
So I set off on my run. I started slowly with a walk, making sure that I utilized my muscles properly. So far, no problem. I did a light jog, maintaining a normal level of conversation too, and I started to feel uneasy, but then did the exercise and it worked! Nothing happened. I tried to remain focused like that for the first two miles. Then, I kicked it up a notch and started to do my normal jog and left Don. I was running behind these two other women who were really putting it in high gear. I only hoped to keep them in my sights, especially considering we were going up this monster hill! Anyway, I launched myself in full jog mode, complete with competitive spirit surge. I conquered that hill with confidence! And best of all NO PROBLEM!!! Yes, those women smoked me, but I eventually caught up with them when they stopped and I was jogging my downhill.
Now, I can't say that I didn't walk away with a minor accident, b/c that wasn't the case. On the descent from that big hill, I became a little too relaxed and forgot about my exercises. But still, that was so MINOR compared to the recent unfortunate events. I'm so happy about it and I just had to share it. It definitely takes work, but it is so worth it. I'm glad I made that purchase and I'm glad I followed through. I'll let you know if it continues to work. And not to be gross, but I was happy to discover that those fast-paced women also slightly smelled of urine, so I'm not alone. How crazy is that? And another friend of mine went into great detail of how "gross" runners can be, especially the hard core athletes who are pushing for their time. All I can say is that there are some extremely dedicated people out there and if I were in the same position, I probably wouldn't make the same choices.
Sidenote:My sister has some friends that have run in the NYC marathon and here was their tip - Be sure to run on the top bridge ALWAYS because runners pee from the top and it'll dribble down on top of you if you are on the lower bridge. So it is worth it to run in the sun instead of being peed on in the shade. --->How random is that? Something I never would have considered.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
He's here! He's here! He's here!
He's absolutely perfect. 10 fingers, 10 toes a full head of hair and just absolutely precious. He slept most of the time we were there with a little bit of humming and baby singing. It was really great!
Official Stats:
Born at 12:59PM
9lbs 7 oz (whoa momma! Go Lindz!!!!)
21 1/4 inches
Lots and lots of light brown hair
This has got to be my favorite picture of all. That's 100% true love! Welcome to the world Hayden and welcome to that wonderful thing that is motherhood, Lindsey.
Waiting and waiting and waiting
It's 1:04 and proud grandpa came through and IT'S A BOY!!!
yaaay. now off to go and welcome him.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
It felt so effortless to fall gracefully from the sky. I swung my legs and remembered thinking to myself, this is probaby what Dave Matthews meant by "Sitting on top of the world with your legs hanging free." (Lie in Our Graves for those of you interested in the name of the song. Prior to this experience, I'd always equated it with any of those hanging rides from Six Flags (like the Superman) or a ski lift or even, perhaps perched atop a water tower or roof of some sort as your legs dangled. Anyway, I kind of went off on a tangent. I felt so free and lightweight (quite unlike my poor hippo friend).
I was even wearing this lovely yellow dress with a black floral print. It was full-skirted, with box pleats at the waist, and a scoop sleeveless top. I remembered it having deep pockets too! Oh and I can't forget the fabulous ribbon belt. Of course, I was barefooted too. So there I am, floating down from the sky like Glinda from the Wizard of Oz (only she was in a bubble, but that's ok) maybe it was more like Mary Poppins, yeah, it was like that. Except my skirt was actually billowed out and I could feel the fresh wind blowing through my hair. I waved at a plane in the distance. It was descending getting ready to land. I could look inside the windows and make out a silhouette of someone waving back. As I neared closer to Earth, the God's quilted patchwork of varying farms became more familiar. Upon landing, I pointed my toes to gently touch bright green grass like I was testing the water of a pool. It was an easy landing, quite the opposite from reality, I'm certain. It was such a great dream. I remember giggling and laughing and then giggling some more as my parachute floated down and blanketed me. It reminded me of when I was a kid and my mother did laundry. Every time she went to make the beds with the fresh sheets, I'd help her. Well, with the top sheet, I would always be on the bed as she would throw it out to spread it over the bed. I'd be caught under the covers and the stiff cotton (yes, they were ironed!) would softly kiss my skin, completely wrapping me up in my mother's love. I actually woke myself up I was laughing so hard! That's the best way to rouse from your slumber, huh?
Anyway, it was definitely much better than what I'd been feeling earlier. Ok, I'm so going to put myself out there, this may be a bit TMI, but here goes: Ever since I started running again after having had the baby, I've had an incontinence problem. I've never had this issue before I had the baby. (Not even when I was pregnant!) I read that this was a very real possibility and I knew to expect it. I've been doing Kegel exercises like there's no tomorrow, but it doesn't seem to help. I'm fine doing everyday activities. I'm ok walking around and walking for exercise. I'm even ok jumping around playing sand volleyball. The problem is when I run. It doesn't matter if I completely try to empty my bladder before I go before running, I just have this issue. It'd be one thing if it were just a little bit, but a little bit over the course of 3 miles is more than just a little bit. It's downright embarrassing and I'm feeling pretty gutsy for admitting it here, but I'm desperate. I guess it could be worse, right? I mean I could have another issue where I poop on myself and that wouldn't be good either! (gross...yeah, that was an unnecessary visual) So anyway, I think I may have to resort to wearing Depends (anyone want to make me a Depends diaper cake? LOL!). Seriously, though, I think I'm gonna buy this ebook:
I go in to see my OB in the next few weeks. If I'm still having this issue, then I'm going to talk to him about it. Maybe he can offer up a suggestion that I haven't thought of. Even better than that, maybe YOU GUYS can offer up something. Seriously, I'm desperate and at your mercy. I need to train for the marathon and seriously put those miles in, but well, you know already. Please help! EEEEEk!
That was awkward, huh?
So, um, yeah...Don made this amazing chicken yesterday. Baked BBQ chicken legs with brown rice that he'd tossed corn in and steamed broccoli. I'm loving these healthy dinners we're eating lately. While I don't feel like I'm losing any weight, I know I'm losing inches. Yesterday, I wore a linen skirt that I'd purchased in London when I went 4 years ago. I remember I only wore it once or twice before and then I couldn't fit into it. Well yesterday, I could not only wear it, but it was a tad loose too! Wahoo!
Have an awesome day!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Boston Market
I messily throw myself in the car, holding tightly to the plastic bag that carried the contents of our dinner. We get home and unload. I take baby out of her carrier and settle in to eat and watch "Cloverfield." I have baby propped on my left thigh, water an arm's length away, napkin by my fork (no plasticware for us!), when I open the lid to my meal and i'm GREATLY disappointed! In my head I screamed in my best Mommy Dearest voice, "No new potatoes!!!!" Stupid mashed potatoes.
Monday, June 23, 2008
So my running ideally will help me shed some poundage, right? Seriously, schlepping around my not so toned bod in this 90+ degree weather would trigger the metabolism into overdrive, but alas, I have a vice. I have absolutely no will power!
Today, I ate my usual big bowl of oatmeal for breakfast and chamomile tea. That's good. I also consumed a bottle of water before lunch and another bottle at lunch. Very good. I had half a sandwich, mushroom soup, a small salad (no dressing) with a 1/4 serving of salmon. Not too bad, right? I ate another 1/4 serving of salmon for afternoon snack.
By 4, however, my belly was screaming, aching for SOMETHING, anything. Why am I starving? So I downed another bottle water, a G2 gatorade and started working on the next bottle when I had to pee. I had to walk by the kitchen on my way to the bathroom and it happened. I had two bite sized brownies. I figured that would satiate me, but no. I already had the head bob working, and I knew I desperately needed some caffeine. I picked up a Coke classic and told myself that I would only drink half. (which I did) And when I got back to my desk, my stomach pained again. ::groan:: I broke into my drawer and peeled back the layers, upon layers of scotch tape on my sleeve of thin mints. I'm only gonna eat 2, ok maybe 3, no 4! yes, I'll only have 4. I took out the four chocolately minty delights and proceeded to carefully re-wrap the sleeve with scotch tape. I make it difficult on myself so I have think about what I'm doing before I eat it. Usually, I only have to look at the tape and I'll quickly close my drawer, but not today. For some reason today I needed chocolate. And boy oh boy did that chocolate go SOOOO well with that Coke. the sugary goodness.
Good thing I'm doing that 3.5 miles tonight. Of course, I'd probably have to double that to kill the calories I consumed.
Oh well. It was amazing! I seriously need to drop 15 lbs to make it easier on my joints for all of this running. But the big payoff, I'll be able to see New York in the fall and that makes me so very, very happy!
Tonight, I'm gonna have a ginormous helping of broccoli for dinner and maybe a small serving of tenderloin. Mmmm...Don is such a great cook. Wonder what we'll have for dessert...kidding, just kidding!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
She rolls over like an old pro on both sides. First she started rolling from the back to the front, which one of my co-workers told me that way was more difficult since they normally push off, but I don't know about that. What do you think? Also, the raspberries are gone and they've been replaced with this shriek-whistle. Don lovingly calls it the monkey bird! LOL, but it is a pretty accurate description. She so smiley and OMG, I swear, she has the most hilarious personality. When she's happy, she's ridiculously happy, but if she's not, then she'll grunt and scrunch her face up tightly. And when she's sleepy and I try rocking her to sleep, she'll be somewhere between asleep and awake, with her eyes closed she'll kinda grunt-purr like she's talking, not missing a beat while sucking on her paci. It's so adorable.
Anyway, here she is in her cute summerwear. I love that tank! It was on sale at Gap, so I got 2, one in brown and the other turquoise. I've been putting her sunglasses on her head like that so she can get used to having them around her. They are still a little too big for her to wear over her eyes. And the shoes!! OMG...I love those little sandals! When I saw them I had to have them. She will actually wear them for a little while, but invariably, she'll kick one off.
As far as birthday indulgences:
- We had Moo-yah for dinner. MMmmm...I ADORE their burgers. They give me the happies.
- I purchased some new trouser pants online. I can't wait for them to come in. I hope they fit well and I can keep them. It is such a crapshoot, you know.
- I got a new heart rate monitor watch. It not only tracks my heart rate, but it will log up to 50 laps. I only need 26 of them for the marathon, so that will help with counting. It also has 2 settings for time, interval training, alarm function, and heart rate goal. lovesit!
- So to also offer further inspiration I purchased some Nike dry fit running shorts. And you know what, they are not only comfortable, they are AMAZING for running. I'm REALLY wanting a 2nd pair now.
- Jason Mraz's new CD which is awesome. If you are fan of his music, you must get it right now!
And tomorrow not only marks my official training for the race, but also researching for the trip in November. Mari will be spending her first Halloween in NYC, so I'll be sure to get plenty of pics of her trick or treating around the hotel, ha ha!
Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
- I need a vacay. Seriously, I want sandy beach toes, frizzy hair, flaky skin, and the burning eye salt-sting from the ocean.
- I need some new clothes and shoes. I remember a time where I could go each season without wearing the same thing. Literally, the same thing, including pants, skirts, shirts, and undies. Occasionally, I'd wear the same shoes, but even then. Where did all my clothes go? Did I purge so much that all I'm left with is 3 weeks worth of stuff??
- I hate that sizes of clothes isn't the same across the board. THIS is why I hate shopping online. Stupid machines don't cut fabric as well as humans do. This is the varying degree of sizing. When I go shopping, I literally try on two of the exact same thing to see which one fits better. Invariably, one is always better than the other. Grrr...
- Why are there not enough hours in the day? I need to be running more than what I have been, but I'm not because I much rather do my own mini marathon every night holding my baby.
- Speaking of my darling daughter, she's awesome. No vent about that. She's just amazing.
- My wrist however sucksithard! It clearly can't keep up with what I need it to do and it hurts like a hammer is smashing against it every time I move it a certain way. It is actually a little swollen, but not bruised. I think I need to go to the doctor because it's been that way for about 6 weeks now. Yeah, my fault for slacking on that one. I seriously think that stretching it will make it better, even though the logical side of me knows it won't.
- I need a new vehicle. I love my little Maggie, but she just doesn't cut it on the weekends when we hit the road with more than 2 adults and baby in tow. Some of the GM cars are offering 0% financing right now and the Chevy Equinox is one of them. Not exactly what I had in mind, but then again, I wasn't sure what I had in mind. Thoughts?
- Yeah, a vacation is just the ticket. I have mommy brain and the vocab is suffering. I feel like a blubbering idiot walking around gesticulating like a mad woman, saying things like, "you know that thing that does ...." I know I mentioned this as number 1, but it deserves two spots IMO. Poor me, I've not been to Mexico since last year! Boo-hoo. Freakin' John Mayer going to Mexico on a private jet to chill out, not to mention he was trekking all over Japan just chillin' in his head. Hatehim. Same with Jason Mraz too...jetsetting the globe to get back to center. Man, only 4 more years to that elusive sabbatical and off to the shores of Mehico with the bebes.
- Speaking of south of the border...I've been wanting a raspa from Bahama Bucks. Tonight, I'm running to the one near my sister's house and rewarding myself with one as a result of that trek. Do it, do it, do it! Oooh...and make it bahamamamarama estilo too! yay-yay-yay-yiiiiii
- I sincerely hope the interview with the daycare provider we have next week will be the last one. It is such a tough choice to make and I feel very blessed to have found two EXCELLENT candidates. I need to pray about it and let God lead the way.
With that, I'll end in a prayer. Thank you Lord for all of the blessings you have bestowed upon me. Please continue to guide my feet to make me a better person. Grant all those I love with your grace and I pray for all those seeking guidance, especially those who are lost, may they find you with loving arms. Grant me endurance, strength, health, and wisdom. In your name, Amen.
ahhh...I feel better already.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Anyway, he moved here after a long stint at UTEP. He gambled with his future, attempting to break into the Dallas scene by partnering with a friend who ran her own deluxe bake shop. He enjoyed making the cakes, learning more, and applying his knowledge gained from UTEP to the business. But things still weren't rockin' and rollin' like he wanted and there was still something missing. We talked and on a whim, I suggested he go to culinary school. Because for as long as I've known him, the one thing that has remained constant is he likes to be parked in the kitchen. Growing up, I admired him because he was using the stove and fire with such ease and grace, more than I was allowed at that age. Heck, when we reconnected, and I went to visit him for his birthday, he was throwing himself his very own dinner party and let me tell you, that was hands down one of the very best meals I've ever eaten; each course tenderly prepared with delicate love and patience: chateaubriand with a blue cheese sauce, 3 cheese macaroni, haricot vert, perfectly toasted bread, and even though Mari was still Petunia, I tasted the wine that he'd selected to be paired with the food. MMmmmmmm....
Anyway, he said he'd consider it. Next thing I knew, he was enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu and starting his first class. WOWZA! That happened fast. He was knee deep in potatoes perfecting his knife skills. I didn't mind the homemade french fries! All of those special cuts of food had to to somewhere, right? No sense in wasting the food. On top of school, he got a part time job, which actually turned into a full time job. And anyone that REALLY knows him, knows the other love of his life: social drinking. Yes, let's recap. Going to school full time, working full time, and partying full time. This boy was busy. Did I mention that he's my age? Yes, he took that leap of faith to follow his dream and I know he's much happier because of it. How many of us can say that? Didn't you have dreams as a kid? Are you doing them? Me, I can honestly say I'm doing a big portion of what I dreamed about. I still have some looming aspirations, but they will come in time. I got lucky to do what I always wanted to do, but then again, I was one of those kids that wanted to be an astronaut-teacher-writer-professional rockstar manager-fashion designer.
I digress. He works hard. He's tired most days. He's tired like I'm tired most days. But he goes through life with this infectious laugh and such a wonderful outlook. It's hard to not have a good time around him. So cheers to you, cousin! Keep on keepin' on...
cracklin rosie get on board!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I've offically committed to participating in the NYC Marathon as a part of my company's team and raise money for Robin Hood.
I'm so FANTASTICALLY excited about this. I seriously was going to throw up when I was given the go ahead. Already, I have those nervous pre-race jitters that I hadn't experienced in a long, long time!
Anyway, when I know more details, I will post information on how you can donate towards the cause. Thanks again for all of your support!
For those of you interested in learning more about the course, here is a link:
Look Around: 5
- Family - This one is an obvious choice, but let me elaborate a little on it. My husband Don for being all that he is and more. Especially for patting my back to help break up all of the nastiness that is building up my chest and for rubbing my feet even though he's had a rough day too. Mari for being a true miracle for Don and I. Her tiny megawatt smile always fills my heart with tender happiness. My sister for always being the example and shouldering that tough burden of being the oldest. My brother for being the occasional comic relief in my life and for letting me realize that sometimes I'm cool. My mother for her constant strength and genuine warm heart to the world. My father for being a beacon of guidance and wisdom.
- Technology, especially the Internet(s) - No lie! If I'm feeling melancholy for my little one, I just call up whomever she's with and now, they can log in and I can see her with the web cam. It's not the same as physical touch, but I will take what I can get. I could never imagine being separated from my child for great lengths of time. Thank God for broadband! It further enables me to multitask! Oh, and I love my digital picture frame too. How awesome is it that I can fill the card with tons of photos and relive the moments in each photo, without having a ton of pictures scattered everywhere?
- My health - as I glance down at my hands, I notice that they are still strong and nimble. Readily able to do a myriad of things, especially simple things like getting dressed in the morning. My legs are strong and I can walk, no, I can run and dance and jump with ease. Well, maybe a little bit of soreness the next day, but still. May I never take those simple things for granted.
- Scars - They remind of me of painful times that I have gone through, and yet, I have persevered! I am mentally able to pick up broken pieces, and like a phoenix, start fresh and new. We all have struggles and adversity, but the true measure of a person's character is revealed when you see them succeed despite it all. I have many fabulous examples to follow in this regard.
- My ivy plant, "Verde" - This plant was given to me at my old college job on my last day. I'd worked my way at that business from a receptionist, to an executive admin, then finally, being responsible for an entire region's accounts receivable. Each position taught me valuable qualities that I would be able to leverage throughout the rest of my career. I took this plant with me to my first post-university job, where it thrived and flourished until I was laid off. And wouldn't you know, it imitated what I was feeling. This big luxurious plant withered to one lonely strand. When I got my next job, again, it started to grow, but didn't make it to the great lengths like it was before. When I began to struggle at that job, this plant also struggled. I'd made the decision to leave, and it seemed like this plant got a second wind. Now, at my next venture, it is thriving once more. Happy and healthy, a symbol fow how I'm currently feeling. Ever so grateful for my job and my experiences, and this little plant.