The Red Queen (The Sugarbean’s costume from her 3rd birthday party) and Princess Juliana: What made those two costumes great is that they came out of our dress up closet. No new sewing for me and no money spent!

Holly Golightly: My version of the main character from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. My friend snapped these photos of me as I had breakfast at Stanley Korshak, while I oogled over suit porn!
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When you receive the award, you post 11 random facts about yourself and answer 11 questions from the person who nominated you. You pass the award onto other blogs (make sure you tell them you nominated them!) and ask them 11 questions. You’re not allowed to nominate the blog who nominated you! (To get the button, right click the picture on my page and save the picture to your computer. You can then upload to your blog.)

11 Random Facts About Me:
- I once sang the National Anthem at a Minor League baseball game. Oddly enough, I was more nervous about having the right outfit than actually singing.
- When I was in 6th grade, we went to a professional basketball game and at halftime, the women were asked to go down to shoot free throws. The first 25 to arrive were selected to to participate. My mother and I were among those 50. It was a sold out game and I made my shot, earning a $50 gift card to a local grocery store. When I went to the line, I was a tad bit nervous only because everyone who’d gone before me had yet to make a shot. I fired mine off and swish, made it. I was very proud when the crowd erupted with cheers!
- I was engaged at a sold out professional baseball game (Rangers v. Yankees). The roar of the crowd cheering faded when he planted a kiss on me after I said yes.
- I can actually be really shy and nervous. When I get around crowds of people, I give myself a tiny pep talk, take a deep breath and put on a smile. Once I get over that, I’m ok.
- I don’t like green beans. That’s probably one of the few things in this world that I will refuse to eat, unrelated to my food allergies.
- Speaking of which, I’m allergic to raw onions, red/green/yellow bell peppers, and raspberries.
- I’m also allergic to Asiatic lilies…really any lily except for callas.
- I have highly sensitive skin. I have to use unscented soaps and lotions, as well as laundry detergents. I spray perfume on my clothes. I secretly groan when I’m gifted scented soaps and lotions, and will inevitably re-gift them to others.
- I CAN use Lush bath bombs without serious issue.
- I am not a morning person. If you know me, then you know this about me. Likewise, if I miss my window of opportunity to fall asleep at night, I’ll be wired for sound until 2AM, then I’ll pass out.
- I first had my eyebrows shaped when I was 19 years old by my fellow theater friend. I didn’t realize how much of a difference it made until afterwards. In that moment when I saw myself, I was finally appreciative of my brown eyes. (Thank you Nathan)
11 Questions from Vanessa:
- What is your favorite movie? I don’t have one favorite. I have my favorite(s): Gladiator, Just Friends, Easy A
- What is the first thing you would you do if you won the lottery?Sit down, take a deep breath, say a prayer, then open a bottle of champagne, if it were a sizeable amount.
- What is your favorite holiday memory?Opening gifts with my family, not all of which were wrapped with the same paper and mis-labeled for the wrong person.
- What book are you reading right now? Who has time to read? *sigh* Technically, it is probably Dinorella, Dinosaurs Wear Underpants, or If I Had a Dragon/Si Yo Tuviera Un Dragon
- Why did you start blogging?To chronicle my memories for my daughter and then it evolved into recording my life.
- Where is your ideal place to live?Northern California or Denver if my family lived closer
- What is your favorite thing to do on a Friday night?Slow dance with my husband in our kitchen while we are cleaning up.
- If you could have one day to do anything, what would it be?Depends on where I am and what money is available. I do like to take mini-chill days where I will go to the Drybar, treat myself to a nice lunch, go to a movie, then plan some kind of craft.
- Which chore would you rather do…clean house, do laundry or go grocery shopping? Go grocery shopping, easily!! Love it.
- Did you think you would have children when you “planned” out your life? If so, how many?Yes. It varied between 2 and 4.
- What do you look forward to most about Fall?Pumpkin scented candles.
Henthorn Happies
the (mis)adventures of Jenna
The Pajama Mama
Ciao from Texas!