
Sticking with It

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

We had the opportunity to go to the Cotton Bowl this year to cheer on my beloved's Alma Mater, Kansas State. While the outcome wasn't in our favor, we still had a great time! Everything was awesome! It seemed that many of our favorite people answered our plea to the universe for a night out without breaking the bank. Those of you involved, and you know who you are, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! There was NO WAY we could have afforded to have gone to the game otherwise!

We made it to the game and we were both starving! Well, I'm sticking to my no animals, and what do you, there really isn't anything there to eat that is veggie friendly. I could've had the french fries or the ice cream. Instead, this is what I came up with:
ice cream and Chandon campagne
I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but goodness! This is tough. I've elected to push it to Valentine's day. Call me crazy, but this is working! I really do feel like I'm having more energy! We'll see. If I was able to do it at Jerry World and able to do it amidst my Tapas outing, I know I can stick with it!

By the way, check out our view!

1 comment:

E said...

Looks like a fun evening! I'm certainly jealous.

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