Thanks to Walgreens for underwriting this post. I was paid as a member of the Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all mine. Visit
New Year. New Routine.
We have all been there. Call 'em goals, dreams, resolutions, whatever, the dawn of a new year always amps people up into trying new ways to become the very best they can be. Last year I talked about goals that I had for the year. I kept up with them for the most part. I fell off the laundry bandwagon in December and reverted back to my old habits. I digress...
I've been inspired by many beauty bloggers over the past year, especially my favorite, MakeupMandiTX. She has done many fabulous product reviews. So good, that I've actually purchased many of the products she recommended. I was of the mind set that all beauty items had to be super expensive and bought through an independent consultant or a big box department store. I never thought that Walgreens would be able to fill the need. But you know what? I LOVE going to Walgreens and waiting in the store on a prescription. There's so much to look at and check out. I always find myself in the hair aisle. This year, I resolved to be more beauty-centric without breaking the bank. Thanks to Walgreens, this is achievable. Did you all know they have amazing coupons online for their products? Right now, all beauty and personal care items are an additional 20% off, even sale prices!! (good until Saturday) This year, I want to get my groove back. I want to be a better beauty guru. I'm not going to say this will turn into a beauty blog by any means. (there's a reason I have a whole label devoted solely to "beauty school dropout"), but I do want to embrace my pretty. Once upon a time, I was a pretty girl. I liked that gal. She's still around and is desperately trying to come out. I gave myself some goals to try out. Nothing big. C'mon, you have to walk before you can run.
Here you go, my top 5 beauty resolutions with a photo of the actual products I use:
1. Do my hair at least twice a week.
This doesn't mean that I actually have to curl it, but rather do a style. I've stuck with a clear schedule for my haircut regimen. What a difference that has made. Now, to rock it. I love that I can get up and go, but I heavily rely on bobby pins, spin pins, and hair ties. Bobby pins are my favorite and I even bought these awesome lovelies to fit in my purse. Thanks to Pinterest, I have many, many styles to choose from! So long everyday ponytail.
2. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
I have dry skin by nature. Much of it has to do with the fact that I don't drink enough water. However, I've never liked being ashy and well, I've been ashy 9 times out of 10 for the 5 years. Awful. Because I'm allergic to all fragrances, I can't use those fun smelling lotions. I can, however, use Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion Fragrance Free! This doesn't leave my skin feeling greasy. It feels great! Also, I've been adding a bit of Walgreens brand petroleum jelly to my heels at night and wearing socks. It's worked wonders since I haven't been able to get a pedicure.
3. Extra attention to my eyes & lips.
I think my eyes and my smile are two of my best features. Yet, they haven't felt the love for a long time. I've gone to bed with eye make-up on. Because I hardly sleep, I have these dark circles or bags under my eyes. So.Not.Hot. Really, Bianca? Really? Yeah, I shudder at the thought of my appearance sometimes. Just because I'm a walking Zombie doesn't mean that I actually have to look like one. Thanks to the Neutrogena Healthy Skin Brightening Eye Perfector Liquid with SPF 25 Light, my eyes look more awake and alert. I even received an unprompted "Bianca your eyes look pretty." compliment the other day. Wowsers! ::blushing:: At the end of the day, I use the Neutrogena Oil-Free Eye Makeup Remover. I don't find it heavy at all. Also, at the end of the day, I slather on a bit of Walgreens brand petroleum jelly to my lips.
4. Leave-in conditioner for my hair!
Ok, I can't take credit for this one. My hairstylist pretty much insisted that I use a leave-in conditioner. She wanted me to get in the habit of doing it before making me commit to a higher end product. I opted to use a Pantene product. There are many days where I just put this on after my shower and let my hair dry naturally. My curls have been rockin'!
5. Shave my legs.
Let's get real. After having two very small people, between work, home, laundry ohmygahtheneverendinglaundry!!!!, friends, and sleep, you find your shortcuts. I was very much pregnant the last time it was cold, so there was no reaching to shave. Since we are being brutally honest, I didn't shave all the time during the summer. (yes, putting a bag over my head) I only did it when I was swimming. Well, no more. It's a brand new year and I can honestly say that I've stuck with it. Thanks to EOS Vanilla Bliss shave cream, this has been something I actually look forward to!

There you have it! Great products that won't cripple your bank account. What about you? Do you all have any beauty resolutions for the new year? How about any tips?
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