
First Baseball Game

Friday, April 4, 2008

Don was picked by one of his students for teacher appreciation night at his high school. He was very honored and got to wear that student's jersey. Originally, we were supposed to go to the game on Tuesday night, but they had a plumbing accident in the infield, so the appreciation night was postponed to Friday.

Well, after an amazing dinner, we headed out to the ballfield. But first, I'll tell you about the dinner. I went to the local meat market and picked up some meat. I got a dozen tamales, thin cut ribeyes, and 1 dry aged t-bone. Don cooked up the meats and I prepped some brown rice and veggies. I steamed the broccoli and cauliflower over the top of the rice cooker. I laid small pieces of lemon over the veggies for flavoring. Delish! That dry aged beef was so tender and flavorful! I'm definitely going back to buy some more! It is of course a luxury item, but well worth the money. Next time I want a steak, instead of going to a fancier steakhouse, we'll just buy our own. Here is a picture of Guapo enjoying the bone.

Ok, so we headed up north and went to the game. It was a chilly night, but we were well prepared with several blankets and they had plenty of hot chocolate too! I found it surreal to be surrounded by all those high school students. Listening to the things they talked about cracked me up! *sigh* I definitely don't miss those days!

The team won by 10 runs (very impressive)! They handed out clappers and these nifty backpacks. Doesn't she look so cute bundled up?

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