We had a lovely talk about the 3 things they learned that day, their favorite subjects, their least favorite subjects, and their predictions for when baby Mari would make her arrival. Zeni guessed Feb. 3 and Cristian guessed Feb. 23. I chuckled at the second one b/c she'd be pretty overdue if I went that long. My due date is Feb. 9! I told them that I secretly hoped that she'd be born on Feb. 4. 2-4-8 (2+2=4, 4+4=8) When I told them of the mathematical part, my nephew chuckled and was like, "OMG...that's like a joke, but not really. It's funny, but it is also cool!" Then, he agreed that he wanted her born on the 4th as well. My niece wanted me to call her to let her know when she came. I told her that I was certain that her mommy would let her know. And she was like, "Um...no Nini, she won't be able to, because she's not going to be here. She's going to be at the hospital with you." Duh, right? LOL!!!

I couldn't believe how big they were: very polite, distinctive personalities, and overall good people. My nephew was willing to help me up and down the stairs...even he noticed my struggle to get around. My niece was thrilled to talk about her upcoming cousin. I guess she's ready for me to have a human cousin and not just hang with Guapo. Speaking of, they even asked about him and what he was up to that evening. They were a bit disappointed that I hadn't brought him. I love that they love him so much! I'm so happy that my sister is raising such good people. It gives me great hope in our future!

Speaking of caffeine, today's intake is finally kicking in, so my head isn't bobbing any longer. I've achieved clarity and must enter the "en fuego" zone for maximum focus. Hope you all have a great day!
I too had tea for dinner last night and one hour later I was wondering why my headache wasn't going away. I popped a Advil liqugel and off to sleepland I went minutes later. They also have a similar book for girls. I forget the title at this moment.
You are amazing for taking the kids and you are going a GREAT job charting all of your memories!!!!! I am very proud of you!
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