Happy 60th Birthday, Pete!
This past weekend was so refreshing. I had absolutely NOTHING planned. That is a very, very rare occurance for me. I knew this would probably be our last weekend where we wouldn't have anything planned and I should take full advantage of it.
This past weekend was so refreshing. I had absolutely NOTHING planned. That is a very, very rare occurance for me. I knew this would probably be our last weekend where we wouldn't have anything planned and I should take full advantage of it.
On Friday, we had Burger Street and watched some random movie. I fell asleep before 10 and didn't get up until the next day at 9. I picked up baby's papasan rocker that I bought secondhand from one of the mom's that I met on the mommy's board. It was a great deal and I had such a great time talking with her. Afterwards, I went to Target and Babies R Us. I made it home and decided to skip the Heath Ledger Memorial Movie Marathon that I'd originally planned and decided to do some cleaning. I cleared out the living room, mopped the dining room, threw away a TON of extra paper, wrote my thank yous, did all of Mari's laundry, and prepped the carseat with the BundleMe. My sister told me that I was nesting. I told her that I was just catching up on all of the stuff I had on my list for the past few months. Don was away at an all day conference for teaching, so I had the entire day to do whatever. I was tired when he got home, but had worked up an appetite. We went to Red Lobster for dinner, which was a complete mistake. I haven't been there in ages and I don't plan on going back for a long, long while. There were so many people there, so I opted to wait at the bar. We decided to just sit there and eat. While the food was prompt, sitting at the bar was not an ideal meal. There were so many people bumping into me and one particular loud mouthed woman going on and on talking about all of these movies she'd seen and kept telling the plot lines of some of the movies I wanted to see. She was awful! When it was time for us to go, she grabbed the chair before I was completely out of it. I couldn't even get out of the seat without her trying to overtake it. I told her, I'm struggling to get out, could you please step aside? She just blew it off and made a half-hearted effort to get out of the way. I went home and met up Danika for a Premier Jewelry party. It was a quick trip over there. Afterwards, she came by and we watched yet another random movie. We must've been on crack when we added those movies to our Netflix queue.
On Sunday, we woke up, went to church, and came home to make a fantastic lunch feast! We gave Guapo the last bone he received from Christmas and he devoured it in less than 15 minutes! This thing was more than 6 inches long!! I watched The Gameplan with The Rock. It is a typical Disney movie, very, very saccharine and predictable, but 'eh, it was ok. Don went to go clean the car and I passed out for a long nap. I was out at least an hour and it felt so good. The only reason I got up was because the baby kept kicking and kicking. I guess she was hungry. We went out to grab some Indian food at Chettinad Palace and it was AMAZING!! It looks like they remodeled a bit on the inside: new tiles, tables, and lighting. I miss the round tables, but the food is just as good as ever! I can't believe it'd been so long since we'd been back.
On Sunday, we woke up, went to church, and came home to make a fantastic lunch feast! We gave Guapo the last bone he received from Christmas and he devoured it in less than 15 minutes! This thing was more than 6 inches long!! I watched The Gameplan with The Rock. It is a typical Disney movie, very, very saccharine and predictable, but 'eh, it was ok. Don went to go clean the car and I passed out for a long nap. I was out at least an hour and it felt so good. The only reason I got up was because the baby kept kicking and kicking. I guess she was hungry. We went out to grab some Indian food at Chettinad Palace and it was AMAZING!! It looks like they remodeled a bit on the inside: new tiles, tables, and lighting. I miss the round tables, but the food is just as good as ever! I can't believe it'd been so long since we'd been back.

Anyway, afterwards, I needed to take a 38 week picture and got in the mood to take some artistic photos. This one was taken by Don and I touched it up with Photoshop. I absolutely love how exposed my belly is. I can look on it and remember what it felt like that that moment. She was actually kicking during that picture and rolling around. I wonder if the flash was bothering her.
And as far as a baby update, well, she has definitely dropped. I'm in full-on waddle mode and my center of gravity is totally whacked. Other than that, I'm sleeping well and I feel great. I'm just tired and hungry. I haven't been this hungry in a long, long time. Of course, since my stomach is smaller I can't eat as much as I want, but I am eating more frequent meals. Either way, I'm not complaining and I'm totally happy with where we are. I'm not in a rush for the baby to come.
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