
Baby Shower

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In the past two days, I've painfully noticed just how pregnant I am. I'm not complaining just stating a fact. Let me paint a story for you. Imagine waking up for your day and you stretch, but then all of a sudden your leg cramps up and you try to bend over to rub it, but realize that your belly is larger than a basketball and somehow during the night you have gained 30 pounds. The cramp starts to get worse and actually passes on to your foot. You get creative and use pillows or lingering stuffed animals that your small daughter has placed in your bed as leverage. But then you need to go to the bathroom and just getting up is proving to be a task that you don't remember requiring a warm-up. Out of breath, you are upright, you stand to walk and your legs feel like jelly and there's small pain in your side. Kinda like that pins and needles tingle you get when one of your limbs has fallen asleep. But you walk because all of a sudden, you haven't had to pee more in your life than you have in that one moment. You continue to walk and it feels like a giant bowling ball is in between your legs and for whatever reason, you are doing your very best to not drop it. All that to say, I'm enjoying every single minute of it!

Anyway, we threw our very good friend a baby shower. She has elected to not know the sex of the child, which made it that much sweeter! Don't you just love that beautiful baby bump?
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Here's a preview of the baby's nursery:
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I love throwing a good party, especially a shower. The food was super yummy!
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Here's the cake. It wasn't until after I cut into it that I discovered it was an ice cream cake. This is funny because I had left it out to "thaw" because I thought it was a regular cake that had been refrigerated. Ooopsie!
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You would have thought I might have guessed something was wonky by the corner fail when my hand squished it. But yeah, I didn't know. That cake sure was divine!
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We didn't really want to play too many shower-y games, but we did play a baby shower word scramble. This seemed like something that everyone could do without embarrassing the mom-to-be. If you are interested, I'd be happy to share it with you!
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Here's some of the awesome gifts she received:
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And look, she likes the the homemade boutique blanket I made for her:
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Isn't she beautiful?
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Congratulations Cam! Can't wait to meet your blessing!

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