Yet at night when it came time to sleep, she was coughing again. Poor gal slept, but not well enough. She woke up coughing even worse and we decided to take her to the doc. Since we've decided to no longer use the other pediatrician. I was happy to hear that my new doc watched little ones too. This would be Mari's first visit and I was very impressed!
She spent a lot of time engaging Mari and trying to earn Mari's trust with the different instruments she was using to inspect her. Well, after a long time of listening to her congested chest and coughs we had the verdict. Bronchitis. She said Mari is a tough little baby and she was really amazed with her body. The fact that she was so uncomfortable, but not fussy was pretty remarkable. And over and over again she said how good Mari was. It warmed my heart!
Tomorrow, I'm working from home while the antibiotics, garlic, juice, and probiotics do their thing to make Mari better. Here's my baby from today. Look at that wild hair! :D
On a side note, I'm still wheezing as bad as I was last week. I don't feel as lethargic, but breathing is a little difficult, especially when I've been laughing a lot. I have some Advair to help me for the next 10 days. I can't imagine what running will be like when my air passages are finally cleared.
Heck, I'll be thankful when we're all healthy again. Closing for now to enjoy my laughing baby. She's wrestling with Daddy right now. Her laughter is the BEST medicine!
1 comment:
Poor Mari! I hope she's on the road to complete recovery faster than you could have anticipated! By the way - every picture I see of her, I'm reminded how beautiful she is. I love all her delicate, precious features on her face. She's like a little doll, she's so pretty!
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