
250: Mari Bakes

Monday, April 19, 2010

At the office, there were 17 bananas ripe, really ripe to the point they were probably going to be trashed. I asked if I could have them so I could make some banana bread. We had some unusually cool weather, so baking seemed fitting. It is Monday, and for the remaining Monday's of the school year, I get to pick up Mari from school since Don has continuing education hours to fulfill. It's fun!

Mari likes to play "beep-beep" as soon as we get home. Essentially, she likes to sit in the driver seat and move the steering wheel, honk the horn, and push all of the buttons. After a few minutes of playing we headed inside, but not before she carefully inspected a hairy and multi-colored fat caterpillar who was in the process of dying, while the industrious ants worked on what remained. Gross, but intriguing. I'm glad she noticed it before I stepped on it.

Anyway, we came inside and I encouraged her to wear her apron. I pulled up the chair to the counter and insisted that she load up the Ninja with the bananas. I then showed her how to push the button for it to blend the bananas with the butter and sugar. She took to it quickly and was very intrigued by the process. Later, I let her help me sift flour, which she was quite a natural! Then, she mixed together the walnuts and chocolate chips for that batch. I divided the mixture into 3 batches: plain, with walnuts, with walnuts and chocolate chips.

She was such a great helper and so eager to jump in with the cooking. I'll admit that I was a little choked up that she was so very good at it and not only that, but she enjoyed it too! After the bread was made (I also made some tiny bite sized ones too!), I allowed her a small indulgence after she ate a full dinner. She liked that too!

Today was a proud day!

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