For Sias track night, I found myself telling Don that I had the urge to run to the track instead of riding in the car. He'd already loaded Mari into the car, so he opted to meet me there. 24 minutes later and I finally showed. I started to beat myself up about it, because no way was my mile average 12 minutes. Instead, I opted to do a quick track workout to compensate for my little "warm-up" jog.
We walked a lap, then I proceeded to do a series of air squats/sprints/push-ups, along with other leg stretches. I finished off with a timed 400. That 400 took just over 2 minutes, but it wasn't too shabby considering all I'd done before and kicked at the 125 meter marker instead of the 200. AAAAND...I was very proud that I was able to do 20 solid "normal" pushups too! HIGH FIVE
Later, I went out to mapmyrun.com and based on the distance, my average mile pace was just over 10 minutes instead of 12. I'm only a minute off pace and not a full 3 minutes like I thought.
In either case, I need to "get into shape." While I maintained my strength training for the past few weeks, I hadn't kept up with endurance training. I'm going to focus on doing a better job of both.
Also, I've decided to opt out of the triathlon this month and instead focus my sites on a 10K race at the middle of the month. Gotta start small and you have to start somewhere. I did the 20K race last year, but I was doing quite a bit more running too. It's ok, though. I'm more than willing to make up the ground!
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