After gardening was over, I pulled out my acrylic paints to get all kinds of craftastic up in our house. My niece and nephew were hanging out with us and I like getting all crafty when they are around. They are so much fun and they say they like it, so we do it. Since Mari loves to do what her older cousins do, she was insistent on doing some painting of her own.
I took an old shirt of mine and put it on her backwards. I used clothespins to tighten it up and let her loose. She sat on the floor with paintbrushes in hand having all sorts of fun. She painted the plate, the paper, the outdoor furniture, and even the wall! I didn't fret about the wall. It actually needs painting, well, it needs replacing entirely, but having her "art" on the wall makes it that much brighter.
And speaking of painting all things, this included her hands, her arms, her legs, and yes, her hair and face too.
This is with the yellow. I later added blue, red, and purple. I forgot to grab a picture of the wall and the finished product on the paper. I added my own touch and the art piece is our first mommy-daughter painting. I need to frame it. :)
And here are the asiatic lilies that have made an appearance in our yard. We really enjoy them. Last year they were bold and bright and this year isn't any different. I love to look at them, but we can't cut them and bring them inside because I'm allergic to them. Oh well, they are still pretty. Enjoy.
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