I have been falling off the wagon snapping photos of my favorite 2.5 year old lady. We received some awesome rain that morning and because of it, I had to reschedule a family shoot. Not a problem, though, because I know of a very spirited girl that enjoys puddles, rain boots, and rain coats. Since the camera was already charged and ready to go, I took this opportunity to get her in action.
For the longest time, she insisted on keeping her hands clasped together like this. I thought it was cute!
Then, she was really getting into the splashing. It was then that I realized she must ALWAYS have a cute pair of wellies and a rain jacket. Just like her mama, she loves all kinds of water.
I mean come on, don't you remember how good it felt to turn a large puddle into your very own fountain of wet? Back when it didn't matter if the water would ruin your clothes or make you cold or whatever. When your mom or dad could shake a tree after the storm and somehow make it rain.
I can make it rain too Mommy!
It's moments like these that I'm reminded just how much I need to keep that camera charged and memory card ready to snap photos. It was for this reason I wanted a point and shoot and for the life of me, I can't remember where it is right now! YIKES! But luckily, my camera phone and the video it takes are pretty good quality, but something about having that camera in my hands seems to change my perspective on the world.
Kinda like how the world looks after the rain settles. :)
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