This past weekend, we traveled over to Abilene, Texas to take part/attend a Quinceanera. Those of you that grew up around here (or West Texas for that matter) have probably attended or been in one of these. This was a quaint little Catholic church, curiously tucked behind an Episcopal church. The colors outside were vivid and I couldn't have been blessed with a more amazing sky. Unfortunately, it was ridiculously cold outside and none of the girls were brave enough to pose outside for me. Next time...

Miranda made for a lovely Quinceanera! She had the big billowy white dress. She had her 14 damas. And like mine, her colors were emerald green. Here they are posing before the big dance. I taught them how to pose by poppin' that hip out. I love the little one up front. I stole this pose off of Lynn Michelle's site.
I took my camera and did my best to take photos, but lighting was not my friend and neither was the Abilene weather. (I was non-stop sneeze-tastic for the ENTIRE time I was there!) Every time I went to take a shot, I would sneeze and I got all of this camera shake. My lens has image stabilization on it, but not for my big monstrous sneezes. :( Can you tell how sad I am? Not so bad, though, because she did have a professional photographer, who coincidentally used the same camera I used and a similar lens. He just had a fancy light-holder-ma-jig, which allowed for better lighting. 'eh, whatever. I'll have to post a couple of my favorite shots as soon as I upload 'em.
Here she is presenting roses to the Virgin Mary.
The two standout highlights of the event centered around her mother, Tricia. Growing up, Tricia used to babysit me. She was so kind, patient, and gentle, and put up with all of my orneriness. I remembered her constantly giggling at my antics and to this day she can be a gigglebox. But then I saw her differently. Aside from the fact that each printed item had been hand typed on a typewriter (which takes not only mad typing skills, but out of control patience!), she made sacrifices as a single mother. She walked her daughter down the aisle during the church ceremony. And when she got up to proclaim her hopes and dreams for her daughter, well, I just lost it. I was a big ol' ball of emotions. It was at that moment that I became even more grateful for my folks. Glancing over at Mari, I knew that Tricia's hopes and dreams mirrored my own for Marisabelle. She unabashedly displayed her true emotions.
Miranda listens to her mother's hopes and dreams:
AND the dance, when it is typically the father/daughter dance, Tricia walked out and proudly took her daughter into her arms and danced with her. She could have easily shrugged it off to her grandfather, but no this was her right as a parent, and she deserved the first dance! I was seriously upset that I'd taken Canoncita (as I lovingly call my silver bullet) up for a nap. I had Tiny Nikon out, but it couldn't keep up with the dance and the lighting. *sigh*
Receiving the final blessing from the Father:
This is one of her grandmothers (maybe great grandmother?) walking down the aisle. She was being escorted by her grandson. I LOVED that she wore the old school black head covering exactly the head covering women used to wear to church back in the day. Love it!! (yeah, and no comment about the camera shake. It was all I could do to not sneeze for that split half second, but I felt it coming on.
Anyway, if you haven't ever been to one, I highly recommend checking it out if you get the pleasure. If you are still around in 14 years, then you are invited to Marisabelle's. We're already stashing money aside for it and you know me, planning away each detail!
I've never even heard of such a thing! Sounds like a super fun party - can't wait to see the pictures to find out what I've been missing out on all my life!
I've never been to one. I hope I'm around for Mari's!
Show me the cake!!!
Ah, my college town of Abilene.
Where did you guys eat when you were there?
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