OMG...I can't believe it's right around the corner. Our little one seems so different, so grown.
This past weekend, we were bad and had Sonic for lunch. She literally crawled from across the room, up my lap, and up me, reaching out for my burger. I gently nudged her hand away, trying to reason with her that she couldn't have it b/c she still doesn't have any teeth. Didn't matter much to her, though. She wanted the burger and she was gonna have a bite. It was hilarious!

So for you mommas out there, what are some of your kids favorite foods that they can't get enough of?
Sydney LOVES avocado - the first time i fed it to her, she took the spoon from me! she also likes banana and sweet potato, but avocado is her favorite - we're going to start some new foods in the next week or so!
That is so great she loves avocado. Its a perfect food with good fat! Braelyn does not like avocados, no matter how many times I try. I did make her some scrambled eggs last night and she loved them. But ONLY when she feeds herself....does not like to be spoon fed anymore! Big girl.
Mari is so adorable!
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