I know I've talked about fashion design on here and my love for clothes. Even more so, to design and construct clothes that I can't find in stores AND that won't cost me a small fortune for a dress. Well, at long last, I've found something that can help put that within reach for me!!!! Some of you may have heard about Make in the Bishop Arts District here in Dallas. I only discovered this wonderful gem last night!! And if I weren't going to be out of town towards the end of the month for a couple of Sundays, then I would totally sign up for the Project Make session. Instead, I'm going to hold off and hope and pray that they offer it in the Spring so I can do it then. In the meantime, I'm definitely going to sign up for a class in August. I'm thinking the diaper bag/laptop case class (because you can never have too many bags, right??).
Wheee!!! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
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