
National Chocolate Cake Day!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I like any reason to celebrate. So when there's an obscure holiday, like National Chocolate Cake day, well, by golly, I simply must eat/make some chocolate cake! Thank goodness for Pinterest, because I was just about to go to the store to buy a slice, but I really, really wanted to try my hand at making one from scratch. Martha, you are a genius!

First I started out by measuring the ingredients. I doubled the recipe because I was making a batch of "normal" cake and a batch that would be gluten free. To make it Gluten Free, I used a GF all purpose flour and a gf baking soda (I wasn't sure if there is a such thing as non-gf baking soda, but I used it anyway)

Interesting story about this. How long has it been since I've baked that I now only own a small glass liquid measuring cup (I used to have this gloriously large almost 5 cup liquid measuring cup). My large one has been broken for nearly a year. Also, all of my measuring cups (shaped like large spoons) are missing, except the 1/2 cup! What?? No worries, though. I guess this is just the excuse to get these lovelies. They are near the top of my wish list! I made it work, though.

Something to note: When I mixed the GF recipe, I added 1 cup of warm water according to the instructions. I probably would have only added 1/2 a cup. Also, it was quite a bit "earthier" when I did the mixing bowl taste. Not bad, just a different type of flavor that what I was used to. The cake passed the husband test. He proclaimed it a victory and said I didn't need to ice it. Also, remember to butter and flour your pans and don't just butter them. ha!

When I made the regular cake recipe, the batter was so sinfully delicious. It took everything in me to not eat it all. Wow. No really, wow! I skipped the homemade caramel part. I don't own a candy thermometer and the goal was the cake, not the filling. Heck, the icing wasn't even the goal for this one. I still made the icing, though, just didn't add the additional melted chocolate on top of the cocoa powder.

I stacked two of my 9 inch rounds, frosted it, and voila! Here is the final product:

I'm totally excited! I also made a tiny 4 inch personal cake for my BFF. Because how much better is chocolate cake when you share it??

The girls are totally going to be excited to have a slice of cake. Especially the Sugarbean. She helped act as a taste tester. She even willingly bypassed a donut in the morning to enjoy a slice of cake in the evening. Too bad I didn't finish the cake until after her bedtime, but rest assured, she will have a slice for dinner on Monday. She was such a great helper!

And in July, there is such a thing as National Chocolate day, so you have a few months to plan how you will celebrate. In the meantime, check out how my Beloved elected to celebrate that holiday back in 2011.

Cheers for chocolate! huzzah!

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