
Howdy 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

So long 2012! Hello 2013! Yes, I know it is four days after the fact. I’ve had this post in draft since the middle of December. That’s what happens when you move your laptop to the craft room and then don’t set foot in there for oh…forever. It just so happens my little laptop is buried under some fabric and cardstock, but that, my friends, is neither here nor there.


Me, I spent ringing in the New Year NOT watching the Redbox movies I’d rented thinking my girls would sleep and I would get to see non-G-rated movies. I enjoyed this Valdo prosecco, toasting our the marriage of our new Barbie & Ken wedding dolls. Also, I shared my chocolate with my littles and had them take their doses of Zarbee’s, while I slathered them nice and good with some Vick’s. Both of them were up for the new year, especially the Sugarbean. The honey in that  medicine must’ve really got her going because she was quite the busy body, playing with her dolls, dancing, and even laughing in the New Year!

The next day, the Mr. and I went on a date to celebrate the new year in our own way. During that time, I made known my intentions and goals for the year. I’ve decided to embrace “COURAGE” as my one little word for the year. I’m not afraid of doing things so much as I let fear limit me. Ali Edwards first wrote about this concept and I followed it. Last year was the first year I adopted a word, but I didn’t make it known. “Magic” and boy howdy was last year chock full of it! Here are some of my goals for the year:

  1. It takes courage to train for a half marathon. What I didn’t elaborate in the photo is that if I feel healthy enough after the run, then I will continue to train for another full marathon. I would like get in the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco. Usually, that race is run in October, so I have a bit of time between now and then. Whooo…can’t believe I put that out there, but there it is universe. Let’s make it happen!
  2. It doesn’t take a whole lot of courage for me to go camping. It does take a lot of courage for me to plan, relax, and get everything ready without losing my mind and that thought does drive fear into my brain. I’m gonna let go of that and plan a camping trip with friends & family and it’ll be great!
  3. I’m incredibly afraid of heights. Like pee on myself afraid. I’ve signed up for 10 sessions at Lone Star Circus School. I hope to conquer that fear and fly on a trapeze. Bonus points if I can fly on the aerial silks.
  4. If you are married, do you still date? We do. I think it is important. It makes me feel special and heck, I love sharing dedicated time to my Beloved. When I go through my photo gallery on my phone, I see lots of photos of the food, wine, coffee we have shared and very little of the two of us or anything else we’ve done on our dates. This year, I’m insisting on bringing along Baby and we will shoot images. Later I’ve uploaded them to an album on Facebook where I have written about the date. I’m so excited about this one. Would you like me to write about our dates here, too?
  5. I let fear of scheduling get in the way to phoning friends to say, hey, I’ll bring some popcorn, you throw in a movie and we' will sit and eat it while the movie plays, not watching any of it, but rather sit and talk for a few hours while our kiddos play. I’m a very social person, but I did take a bit of a hiatus on organizing events with friends. Not any more. I hope to get at least 1 group outing together a month and have at least one date a month with my two BFFs who are local. Heck, some of the events will be, “let’s go fly a kite at the park!” Nothing crazy, but just an excuse to get together.

More ideas will likely come to me, but these are the big ones that are at the front of my mind. The biggest thing being, for me to have courage and not let fear and doubt get in the way.
Cheers to 2013!

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