We graduated and went our separate ways, to different universities, eventually meeting up again at Tech. Then, we graduated and went our ways, until the advent of social media. Through MySpace and continued through Facebook, we maintained contact. He made the trip to celebrate my 30th birthday! (there he is in the blue shirt with cap)
Every so often, we'd meet up for dinner or on IM to talk about photography. You can imagine my excitement when he told me he was getting married and would we like to come to the reception. My response was, "Are you kidding me! Yes, we'll be there!" This past weekend, we trekked to San Antonio with a pit stop in Austin.
They had an intimate, family-friendly reception at Big'z Burger Joint. We ate delicious burgers, drank festive drinks, wore leis, danced, and talked. It was a wonderful time! I loved that we were able to take home photos from their fabulous wedding in Hawaii. Also, the hula girl straws were so much fun. I actually had 2 Pepsi's because I liked sipping out of that straw so much. Mari and I had a ball with the temporary tattoos, too! Don and I were able to dance to our song and Tesla had a fabulous time dancing and singing along with all of the music. The service at Big'z is top notch as is their food! If you are in the area, definitely check them out! Congratulations Miles & Beth!!
Like I said, we made a pit stop in Austin first! We stayed the night with our dear friends (Hi Jennie & David...and Emily, too!). Friday night, we dined at the ol' Magnolia Cafe with said friends and with my Brother. (Who will be moving away from Austin this week, so keep him in your thoughts for a safe passage.) We totally love the SoCo area of Austin. The food was pretty good, too! The next morning, we popped awake and headed out to Town Lake for a 5K (which isn't a lake at all, really). It was a busy, busy trail, but I was still able to log an ok time while pushing Tesla. Mari was happy to stay back and play with her friend. (Thanks Jennie!!) Here's the view of the bridge I crossed over. My view to the left...

My view to the right...

Seriously, with that much beauty, how would you not be motivated to run?
Afterwards, we headed over to Thunderbird Coffee for a cup o' Joe and to meet up with another buddy of ours...another friend of mine from high school that I've known as long as Miles. (Hi Danny! Thanks for coming out!) Don't you just love the decor? I like the lights!

Mmmm...that caramel mocha was AWESOME!!!
I'm a huge fan of independent coffee shops. Even better when they make darn good coffee and this place did NOT disappoint! Check them out if you are ever in the area. I even had a Grilled Nutella & Honey panini, which was perfectly delicious when paired with my iced coffee and good conversation from old friends.
When we headed South to San Antonio, we stayed at the Drury Plaza North. This was a fun decorated hotel with excellent service. We were actually happy about all the extra perks: 2 free drinks, hot breakfast, free parking, free wi-fi, small fridge, in-room coffee maker, and microwave, spacious and comfortable room, great terrace and pool. We would highly recommend this. Our two complaints about the room: it didn't offer movies for purchase and there wasn't a fan in the bathroom. (that's why you travel with matches and a candle, folks! hehehe) We didn't need to buy a movie anyway (because I truly passed out as soon as it was possible...and it was the soundest sleep I've had in weeks!) and there was a public bathroom on the lower floors. Mari really enjoyed the stationary:

I enjoyed the colorful lobby and really wished we had more time to play with our actual cameras in the lobby. Another time! Mari really did love that orange ottoman.
Yes, folks. She's still wearing her shoes on opposite feet. No big deal. It seems to work for her, so we don't mind.
On our way back home, we hit up the South Austin Trailer Park & Eatery for a Holy Cacao cake shake and Torchy's Tacos for lunch. We had prime weather to sit outside on a picnic table with friends. I swear we saw Val Kilmer's doppleganger, too! Why didn't get get a pic?
All in all, it was a wonderful trip.
1 comment:
Those drawn masterpieces would look FABULOUS framed in a series. My heart is melting from cuteness.
P.S Sounds like you're somewhere close to me in DFW? :)
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