
Freschetta: Proud to Support Pink Giveaway

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello friends! Guess what! I'm a part of the Freschetta Fresh Connection Community. Basically, that means I like pizza and I like to give my opinion. Freschetta contacted me and gave me a coupon to try out their pizza and write a review on it. We'll see how it matches up with our homemade pizza. I'll give you my review later.

Anyway, for the month of October, they are are participating in breast cancer awareness month. What, you didn't know it was Breast Cancer awareness month? SAVE THE BOOBIES! During this month, you can purchase a specially marked package of Freschetta (look for the Proud to Support Pink). You can go to and enter the code found on the back of the marked box. Each entry will donate $1 towards their $50,000 goal to the  Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. (Which, by the way, Memorial Sloan-Kettering is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!) WTG Freschetta!

Freschetta also gave me a nifty prize pack to giveaway to one of you lucky readers!! In it includes a coupon for a free pizza as well as two (2) pairs of Freschetta proud to support pink earphones (one for you to keep and one for you to give away). Who couldn't use free pizza and an extra set of earphones?

Here's where you can get involved! I would love it if you would go to the site and share your cancer-related story! If you do that and tell me did, you will get an entry. If you become a follower on my blog, you get an extra entry! If you tweet about this (or mention it on any of your social media outlets), you will get one more entry! How exciting, huh? All entries must be noted in the comments section on my main blog at That's a chance for 3 entries!!!

Contest ends Wednesday, Oct. 12! Good luck!

**Dislaimer: I was contacted by Freschetta, as part of the Freschetta Fresh Connection Community to participate in this contest. I received a coupon for a free pizza and 2 earphones to review. The thoughts/opinions/ideas expressed here are my strictly my own.**


Karin said...

I did go to the site but do not have a survivor story to share because I have not had breast cancer. My mom had it almost 20 years ago. But they caught it early and removed her breast and luckily, she needed no further treatment.

karin56381 (at)

Karin said...

GFC Follower

Anonymous said...

i'm a follower...Samantha

msvc426 at gmail

Anonymous said...

I also tweeted it here:!/sami7272/status/121955486441545730

msvc426 gmail

Anonymous said...

posted on the Google Buzz first, but here it is again...

Samantha Castillo - Margie Olivarez
My cousin Margie inspires me to do more! She was diagnosis with Cancer when she turned 40 but it did not beat her. She fights like a girl and I love her for it! She inspires me to run and raise money for research!

I posted on Proudtosupportpink.com10/6

msvc426 at gmail

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