I was selected by House Party to host a party sponsored by Singer featuring goodies and giveaways from Jo-Ann's, Burdastyle, Simplicity, and Martha Stewart Crafts. I felt very honored to be chosen to host this party, especially because there were many applicants for it!
I was really eager to be an advocate for at home sewing. I come from a long line of seamstresses and/or tailors. Not only that, but many creative and crafty sort of people. I can't remember a time in my life where someone in my life didn't have the sewing kit, sewing machine, or just the plain aguja y hilo (needle and thread). Grandma had quite the set up with her own desk for the sewing machine, special board for all of her threads and multiple, lavish sewing kits. Mom had a basic machine with a case and kept the sewing kit in an orange rectangular Tupperware container. When I was in 7th grade, I enrolled in Home Economics class. We spent half the year cooking and the other half sewing (or at least that's the way I remember it). At that time, I remember going to K-mart to purchase the needed supplies. I selected a blue sewing kit, thinking I'd never have enough items to actually fill it. I bought the notions and I was so very proud to apply my name with the label maker instead of permanent marker. I felt fancy indeed. Fast forward 21 years and I still have that plastic kit.
Now you understand why I was over the moon happy to learn that I was a finalist, and then later when I learned I had been selected (which happened to be when I was in the hospital after having had Tesla). I was contacted by a Singer rep in my local Jo-Ann's store the day I was discharged from the hospital. She was quite surprised to learn that I was eager to participate and host a party despite having just had a child. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This was great! I could finally get my girlfriends together and we could sew! Many of my friends own a machine, but not many really know the basics that I've learned along the way. Heck, there's still so much for me to know! Part of the process of being selected as a host is the opportunity to try out the Singer Confidence Stylist 7467s machine. I just purchased a machine last year at Christmas, which happens to be a Kenmore machine made by Janome.
Anyway, I received the package in the mail, and my word, the goodies that they included are unbelievable!!
I'm excited about the party, but here's where you readers come in! I won't be at max capacity for my party. If you can't attend the event (held Mother's day, but I'll probably have a smaller party a couple of days before for my friends who can't make the Sunday party), that's ok, I'm still happy to share the goodies that I received with all of you! Just let me know you would like a package of swag and I'll be happy to share it! Or, if you can't make the party, but would like to Skype in for a few minutes, we can do that too! You will receive coupons, patterns, thread, and information/promotion products.
Who knows, if I'm feeling sassy, I might even do a basic video tutorial on my machine, as far as threading and such. Would you want to see that?
Happy crafting!
I'd love to attend but not sure but I'll at least skype and would live some swag! Let me know! Thx! Amanda
*love* not live... ;)
Oh My goodness, I really wanted this house party. I got a sewing machine for christmas and have already taken a couple of classes at Joann's and made my daughter an outfit. I would have loved this house party. I would love some swag. I live in Lewisville so I am not sure that I can make the party, but I can Skype!
My mother and grandmother both sew. It took having my daughter for me to really want to learn as well. I hope that I pass it on to her. She just turned one so I have a few years ahead of me to sew for her and am so excited. Congrats on your new baby!
thanks! kspeshke at me dot com - mrspeachykeen on DAM
You lucky ducky you!! I wanted to do this party too. I can't wait to hear all about what goes on at your party! And you must tell me all about the machine too. How cool Bianca!!!
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