
HDMR: Win Win

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Win Win
Mike Flaherty is a lawyer in a small town, who suffers from high anxiety, surrounding his financial situation. He moonlights as a wrestling coach for the high school. He is surrounded by colorful characters, who are broken in their own way. When a less than ethical opportunity arises for him to get a bit of extra income, he jumps on the opportunity. Because of that, he ends up befriending a young, talented athlete (Kyle) who is a free spirit and determined. Unfortunately, he comes with a whole load of baggage because of his upbringing by a young single mother who has a history of addiction and poor choices in men.

This movie is definitely a dramedy. There are parts that are flat out hilarious and other parts where Giamatti is so vulnerable and broken, you can't help but identify with the very real human experience. More of us than not can relate to financial hardship and difficulty, some of us even taking on additional roles to keep our family afloat. However, his friend Terry is so broken and in many ways stereotypical, you can't help but laugh. I love how the family rallies around Kyle and accepts him as one of their own. The performances were great and endearing. It is definitely worth watching, but don't expect this to be an uplifting film. At the end of the film, I felt happy, but didn't leave with the feel-goods. Regardless, I would recommend watching the film, maybe not run out to the theater, unless of course you are a Paul Giamatti fan, but if that's the case, you've already gone out to see it. I rate it a 15 minute hand massage...still great, but not an hour long full body massage. ;)

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