
Winspear Opera House

Thursday, October 22, 2009

IMG_7122, originally uploaded by Bianca Sias.

We braved the masses and went to the free preview of the new Dallas Arts District, our main mission, to see the brand spankin' new Winspear Opera House. I remember looking out of my office window, watching this little gem grow from the very beginning. Yes, I'd become a little too emotionally attached to the place, having a very inappropriate imaginative relationship with this building, talking to it like it was my child. I digress.

It was so very, very busy, but worth the visit, for sure. I was disappointed that the tours were pushed ahead of schedule, too packed, and well, I didn't get to take one. I really wanted to tour the backstage and see only the bits that workers and performers get to see. I was able to sneak into the Staff Only room on the 6th floor and tip toe around the catwalk to see all of the lights and cords for all performances. It hummed and buzzed with such energy. For those of you who know me, you know I'm a chicken and totally afraid of heights, so how in the world was it possible for me to walk around a catwalk 6 stories overhead people. Well, it wasn't really, I only took three steps out and under those steps, it still looked like I was walking on a more normal floor. But yes, I have been known to hang from rafters and catwalks because something about the air of the theater gives me all sorts of confidence I wouldn't have otherwise.

Anyway, this shot is from the very, very shallow reflective pool. A glorified ginormous puddle, it was still refreshing to dip my toes in the water amidst the beautiful landscape.

I'm going to really enjoy going to shows in the area! I can't wait.

1 comment:

chae said...

I really like the photos. Sad that I missed the grand opening but hope I can get down there to check it out soon.

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