
While she was out...

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Sugarbean is out on vacation, living it up with her cousins and grandparents. I imagine she may be tucked in her carseat chatting away with her cousins, or maybe watching a movie on her iTouch. Here's a recent picture of her watching a movie on our DVD player during our trip down to Austin. She's such a great little traveler (knock on wood).

Their first evening, they went to Chuck E. Cheese. This was a pretty big deal because Mari has never been to CEC and she thoroughly enjoys pizza.She really likes to ride any ride that may or may not be age appropriate. Anyway, she'd earned enough tickets to buy some fabulous star glasses.

Wonder where she gets it from?

They trekked across Texas, down to El Paso to make a visit to the bisabuelos (great-grandparents). From what they told me, Mari enjoyed playing outside barefoot in the rain. To hear that is to know two things: 1. Growing up, you weren't allowed to play in the rain outside of my grandparents house, for fear of slipping and falling and hitting your head. 2. You weren't allowed to be barefoot ever, lest you catch a cold and die from a fever. Even if it was 110 degrees outside in the desert! But I could picture her dancing in the rain, I encourage her to do as often as possible, trying to enjoy it with her when I can. I LOOVE dancing in the rain. Anyway, it was a great trip and I'm so glad she was able to spend some time with them. We're looking forward to a potential Quinceanera next April! While there, Grandma shared a photo with Daddy of my bisabuela Maria and bisabuelo Felipe on their wedding day. She remarked how my nephew bears a striking resemblance to my bisabuelo. I see what she means.

While she was away, Don and I have been doing our best to keep ourselves busy. First up, we decided to go on a date. We drove around for a bit and the both of us just finally threw our arms in the air, headed to Market Street to pick up some steaks and opted to cook for ourselves. It was a heck of a lot cheaper to do that and more comfortable. We lounged in our jammies and ate like royalty! Seriously, we busted out the TV trays, and munched away, sipped on a prosecco and watched some episodes of True Blood Season 1 (thanks Dina for the recommendation!).

We slept in until 11:15!!! Do you know how long it's been since that's happened? Really?!? We awoke ready to tackle the day! First on the agenda, brunch!

Then I went for a haircut. Before and after pic. What a hot mess, right? (BTW, that's my favorite shirt! Thanks Brother!!! It says kiss me I'm Mexican and the lime wedge bears similarity to a 4-leaf clover.) She thinned out my hair enough to fill about 1.5 buckets full of hair!! My neck feels easy breezy!

After that, I went home to flex the ol' creative muscles. I made a vintage inspired apron out of a fancy-schmancy fire engine red satin. I was supposed to have a gather, but after two failed attempts, I opted for a freestyle pleat instead. I think it added to the fanciness anyway. I didn't get a pic of the finished product. However, I did topstitch all around to give it extra flair (thanks Jacki for teaching me!).

That evening, we treated ourselves to some Mooyah and finished off the night amongst friends, both old and new, celebrating the soon-to-be nuptials of a very special couple.

The next day, we headed out to Arlington to watch the Rangers play the Angels. Prior to that we had Taco Diner and indulged in some amazing Mojito-goodness! yum yum! The Rangers beat the Angels and we got there early enough to get free bags too!

An incredible weekend! So far the time is flying by so quickly, but I really do miss our Sugarbean. Momma & Daddy love you!

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