
Fantastic Birthday Loot

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I know you were all waiting at the edge of your seat to hear of the wonderful goodies I was blessed with. Here's a rundown of some of the sahweet treasure I scored (in no particular order):
  1. Shootsac with 2 fun covers!
  2. Texas Tech fancy polo
  3. a red purse (that Mari has claimed as her own, ha ha!)
  4. Wicked tickets
  5. The Book of Eli movie
  6. Jack Johnson To the Sea CD
  7. Sarah McLachlan Laws of Illusion CD
  8. Borders Gift Card
  9. Gift Certificate for a pedicure
  10. Flowers & Cookies, num, num, num
  11. Aflac talking duck
  12. Designer and chic summer top
  13. Luna Azul bottle of tequila
  14. Indian Spices & mix
  15. Vapur water bottle
  16. Nifty pearl ring
  17. Alice in Wonderland movie
  18. Rachel Zoe's: Style A to Zoe
  19. Incredibly touching cards filled with warm words and love (and some money too)
  20. Tiny happies that continue to warm my heart
  21. Starbucks gift card
  22. First class upgrade on our trip to Mexico
  23. Cake, cake, cake, and more cake
SUPER DUPER thanks to everyone and wow, seriously, wow! I felt the love. 

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