So I like music. A whole lot! I’m always on the lookout for new tunes, while simultaneously revisiting my old tried and true songs. Isn’t amazing how listening to a song will magically take you back to a time and place?
Last Friday, Captain America and I headed out on a date! I even had my hair blown out for the occasion! (review of Pouf to come) We went out for drinks beforehand, then did a quick change from our day-time clothes to concert wear. (Confession: I actually had on a maxi dress to wear to the concert, but then I quickly remembered that I was probably going to be doing a whole heck of a lot of dancing and I needed something a bit more dance appropriate, where I wouldn’t be tripping over myself.)
(Him: V-neck from Urban Outfitters, suspenders & hat from Nordstrom Rack, pants from Macy’s Me: Smiley half shirt from Urban outfitters, striped under tank from Banana Republic, Jeans by David Kahn)

When we arrived, we picked up our tickets and our photo pass* and were on our merry way.

Lucky for us, Ivy Levan was just starting her set! Captain America quickly went to the barricade and was greeted by Big Rod. This guy right here was responsible for keeping the peace at the barricade, protecting the artists, the concert-goers, and the photo/videographers in front of the barricade. Big props to him for what he does and for doing it well, and quite professional, might I add. Thank you, Big Rod!

Captain America settled in and prepped Baby (what we call our big camera) for the lighting conditions. First off, let me tell you about this chick Ivy Levan. Holy wow! If you threw in one part of Christina Aguilera’s character from Burlesque with a dash of Gaga and a whole lot of rocking badass, you’d get Ivy Levan. She has such a presence on stage and it isn’t just because her dress was sparkly and her hair amazing. I loved, loved, loved dancing to her. I couldn’t help but get my hips shaking. Also, her music pulled out my inner sassiness, that I very nearly told off a gal who’d stood in front of me. Like seriously, I turned into quite a snarly/snarky person and was like, “Whoa, who’s voice is this saying these things??” I put myself in check and went and bought the gal a drink for her trouble for having to deal with all of that. Anyway, just so you know, you have the warning that the music will unleash your don’t-mess-with-me attitude, which isn’t entirely a bad thing. Check out The Dame, now on iTunes and here are some shots he captured of her:

She was such a delight and a wonderful warm-up for Fitz. After her set, I ran out to get a signed copy of her CD. I probably made a certifiable ass out of myself on film when her videographer asked me some questions. I was so amped up on the music and meeting her! And she was a doll! I discovered later that she was performing that evening at the Ruby Room. I wondered how many others saw her perform that night, too.
Between sets, Saints of Valory performed. They had quite a stage presence, but I have to admit, that I wasn’t in the mood to hear that type of music. It put me to another place. Unfortunately, we didn’t grab any photos of their performance. What did happen? Well, their music was the perfect backdrop for making new friends. You see, we spotted a small person dancing towards the back of the hall and we struck up a conversation with her parents. Christian, Megan, and Neva shared their time with us during that set. They told us their remarkable tale of how fate had brought them together. How their stories were intertwined before they even knew it, and how things happen all at that right time. They shared of their love of cycling, that this was Neva’s 3rd Fitz concert (she’s only 3!!), and how they will be married soon. I absolutely love stories like theirs! [New friends, if you are reading this and want to meet up, drop a line (bianca at hellobianca), we’d love it if our daughters met!] Yes, that is a tiny top hat on Neva’s head! How cute are they??

And then it was time for the show. I kissed my beloved good-bye for a bit, strapped on the equipment backpack so he wouldn't have to carry all of the gear, and said a photographer’s prayer for amazing light. I love it when he finds me:

Everyone was really excited. The energy filled the space. My heart was beating, my feet already dancing, everyone around me smiling and talking. The tools of their trade patiently waiting to erupt into a violent flame of happy.

But I must back up for a second. Remember that trip I talked about a few days ago? The one where I jumped out of a plane? Well, that was a girls only trip. My routine when I fly, I get to the airport and buy a coffee and stop by the newsstand and pick up a copy of Esquire, GQ, or Men’s Health. Sometimes all 3, sometimes just one. That month, Esquire featured them in their Music and Style edition. Yes, I was connected to the wi-fi on the plane. Yes, I fired them up on Spotify and I was completely sold the first few notes of “Moneygrabber.” I would fire up some of their stuff while we were driving around and even on my morning run. Immediately, their music was synonymous with my happy.
When I returned home, I was able to listen to “More Than Just a Dream” in its entirety, I was in love. I knew they were going to be at Edgefest, but I was unable to attend since it was the very next weekend after my trip. Instead, the Universe heard my quiet plea and tickets went on sale for them to perform in July! To make the deal sweeter, my Beloved was every bit as stoked to see them, so this was going to be a magical date for us! The House of Blues is becoming a favorite place in our hearts for such dates. (Thank you House of Blues staff! If you’ve never been to a show there, I highly recommend it!)
Fitz & the Tantrums
The lights dimmed slightly and they began:

The crowd jubilant and dancing:

Noelle’s voice rang out with that tambourine:

And Fitz, with those red sneakers…

I danced and danced and danced. I hadn’t danced that much and shouted along the lyrics in a long while. Maybe I twerked a little bit too. And maybe I convinced some others to twerk with me. I was completely hoarse at the end of the night. Amazing night with loads of new friends (hello Amy, I’m talking to you!). What an incredible night of fun!

Um…Hello Bianca, this sounds like an amazing night, but I have no idea who they are, but based on your excitement I want to check them out! Where can I learn more? Here is their wikipedia. Here is their site. They are on youtube. Or just listen on iTunes, Pandora, or Spotify. They are good times!
Oh, and thanks babe for a wonderfully incredible night out!
*While we were given a photo pass, we were not at all compensated for this post. I just think their music is nifty and I wanted to share it with the world. We paid for our own tickets and merchandise while there.
1 comment:
Hi Bianca,
Looks like you guys had a great time! The pics are fabulous!! I am wishing we would have made it a date night too, love Fitz and The Tantrums!
Michelle Boozer
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