These are the photos from that adventure…
We left Mackinaw City and headed out on 75 towards…well, I really don’t know which direction, to be honest. I’d popped a Benadryl to ward off any allergic reactions to my deer fly bite that I became quite a bit woozy. I did snap this picture on our drive out there mere moments before I passed out. Isn’t it lovely? It was so cool and clean smelling!

Dining al fresco

Exploring their backyard, we found this jungle gym. Our little acrobats had to play on the rings!

We were ready for the pontoon ride! They were incredibly excited about the boat ride!

The sunset rivaled those West Texas sunsets…gorgeous!

For an added treat, our gracious host insisted that the girls try their hand at driving the boat. Tesla was excited to turn right.

The Sugarbean was beside herself with excitement at being the Captain!

We capped off the evening with a generous slice of freshly made apple pie with a healthy dollop of Cool Whip. It was oh-so-very good! (clearly because there isn’t much remaining on my plate when I snapped this photo!)

And I must mention that I had 3 cups of coffee (Dunkin Donuts home brew for the win!)to stay awake from that tiny Benadryl. It still wasn’t enough to keep me awake on the hour and a half drive back in to town. Before I fell asleep, though, I did notice the bright stars in the sky and saw a lone falling star. I knew it was going to be a magical weekend!

1 comment:
Sounds like a fantastic weekend.
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