I can remember waay, way back when the Edge was back on the 90s dial end instead of the 102s. I remember when Edgefest came to be and I desperately wanted to go. I was too young to go by myself at the time and my parents weren't fan of large crowds, let alone music festivals.
One of the first of many dates that Don and I enjoyed was to Edgefest at the Starplex Amphitheater (currently known as the Superpages amphitheater, I think). We were given VIP treatment because we knew a friend of a friend who had a connection and it was blissful! We had superior treatment, unlimited drinks, excellent drinks, ridiculous seats, and all sorts of access to where ever I wanted to go.
This time around, I went to Edgefest with priMo and some other friends (hi Edwin!). We were treated to AMAZING weather and even better music. I didn't take the silver bullet camera. But I did whip out my tiny camera phone and captured this shot of Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars (that's him with the pink hair in the middle).
This time around, I avoided the mosh pits, I refused to crowd surf, and heck, I must admit that I even left during the 4th song of Limp Bizkit's set. Let me tell you, those guys did a superior job, but unfortunately, it was the same exact concert I saw during the Summer Sanitarium Tour back in 2003. The only differences were the venue and that the players had aged a bit (haven't we all?). They haven't put out any new material and I was really surprised they were the ultimate headliner. I was completely expecting it to be 3 Days Grace or Deftones instead. Not so, though.
Regardless, I happily walked back to my car, and massaged my tired feet while chillin' to my new Phoenix cd that I had the privilege of meeting and they even signed my ticket and CD! I'm not sure about going back out again for another all day music festival. Maybe. Who am I kidding? I would totally do it, especially if we were blessed by the same weather and I had the same company I was with.
Quite an enjoyable time and Pizza Hut park, surprisingly, was a very good venue!
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