
Accepting The Changes

Saturday, July 16, 2011

As a new mother, you get to be one of the first witnesses of your baby’s smile, their first laugh, and when they roll over. It’s their reward to you for the poopy diapers, sleepless nights, and spit-up. They also shower you with gummy grins when they recognize you. And when they start cooing and talking to you, ahhh…melts the heart!

About three months after your bundle of joy arrives, your hormones do they very best to start regulating to “normal.” With that, the telogen phase of your hair kicks into high gear and it seems that all of the hair you should have shed the previous 9 months decides to fall out in the matter of a month.

When I tell you that I’ve lost a bag of hair in the past two weeks, that isn’t hyperbole. I really have lost an entire grocery sack of hair. Had I not balled it up, I would’ve seen if I could donate it. I was totally freaked out. No, I am freaked out. I had a good cry about it, but then I remembered it wasn’t that long ago that I went to the salon and my stylist gave me a wonderful splash of color and layered my hair, but didn’t thin it out. She had the foresight that I would lose my hair and soon enough, it would thin out on its very own. Sure enough, it has. I accepted the changes my hair is going through and have since been inspired by the tutorials I happened upon over at A Cup of Jo.

Here’s my version of the Gibson roll:


My version is different because instead of one pony tail, I started with a half ponytail, inverted it (like a topsy turvy pony tail), then gathered all of my hair in a low ponytail. I used that initial hole as my nest. I kept rolling and tucking, then secured it with the the Goody Spin Pins and two bobby pins. Yes, I still have a lot of hair (for now) and because of the texture, the spin pins work harder and more effective than just regular bobby pins.

This was taken at the end of the day, so that’s why it looks a bit loose and messy. Despite the way it looks, I love it and I’m looking forward to trying out some new styles! I don’t have to cut my hair off (even though I’m still tempted to do it), I know I can still enjoy my hair!

What are some of your favorite hairstyles?


Goosegirl said...

I think your new hairstyle is beautiful Bianca. YOU are beautiful.

chae said...

Your hair looks great! My fav hairstyle is natural. I also love updos..The Topsy tail!!

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